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A. artistes títol estil
1983 Armored Saint Armored Saint (EP) heavy
1968 Cream Wheels of Fire blues rock
1988 Europe Out of this World heavy
1976 Grand Funk Railroad Good Singin', Good Playin' rock
1994 Lynyrd Skynyrd Endangered Species rock
1994 Machine Head Burn my Eyes metal
1986 Motörhead Orgasmatron rock dur
1986 Ratt Dancing Undercover rock dur
2019 Slipknot We Are not your Kind metal
  1. «Hitos del Rock» (en castellà). Twitter, 09-08-2021. [Consulta: 9 agost 2021].
  2. «Hitos del Rock» (en castellà). Twitter, 09-08-2021. [Consulta: 10 agost 2021].