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FSF Seminar in NYC on September 28

From: John Sullivan
Subject: FSF Seminar in NYC on September 28
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 17:09:47 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

"The GPL is employed by tens of thousands of software projects around
the world, of which the Free Software Foundation's GNU system is a
tiny fraction. The GNU system, when combined with Linus Torvalds'
Linux---which has evolved into a flexible, highly-portable,
industry-leading operating system kernel---along with Samba, MySQL,
and other GPL'd programs, offers superior reliability and adaptability
to Microsoft's operating systems, at nominal cost. GPL'd software runs
on or is embedded in devices ranging from cellphones, PDAs and home
networking appliances to mainframes and supercomputing clusters.
Independent software developers around the world, as well as every
large corporate IT buyer and seller, and a surprisingly large
proportion of individual users, interact with the GPL."

- Richard Stallman, FSF President; and Eben Moglen, FSF General Counsel

Whether your business or its clients deal first-hand with free
software or not, it has become a part of the environment that is
impossible to ignore.

The nonprofit Free Software Foundation, in association with Columbia
Law School, is offering a one-day seminar on the GPL and Legal Aspects
of Free Software Development at Columbia Law School in New York City,
NY on Wednesday, September 28, 2005.

As the GPL continues to consolidate its position as the copyleft
license of choice, it becomes ever more important that lawyers,
executives, and engineers become knowledgeable of the license. The
Free Software Foundation will shortly be releasing a draft of GPLv3,
and is making available this legal seminar to help educate on the key
issues of software development and license compliance.

The seminar will be led by Daniel Ravicher, Senior Counsel to the FSF
and Executive Director of the Public Patent Foundation; Eben Moglen,
General Counsel to the FSF and Executive Director of the Software
Freedom Law Center; and David Turner, the FSF's lead GPL Compliance

The cost per person is $500 if you register before September 1, or
$600 if you register after on or after September 1. Breakfast and
lunch will be provided. Further information about the course schedule,
and registration instructions, can be found at

For attorneys, the seminar will almost certainly count for CLE credits
in the state of New York, and possibly other states as well. We are
awaiting final approval, and will announce the number of approved
credits when we get it.

Please pass this information on to others who might be interested in
attending.  If you have any questions or would like additional
information, please feel free to contact me. Thank you!

John Sullivan
Program Administrator        | Phone: (617)542-5942 x23    
51 Franklin Street, 5th Fl.  | Fax:   (617)542-2652     
Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA    | GPG:   AE8600B6

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