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Page last updated at 14:00 GMT, Thursday, 6 August 2009 15:00 UK

Brave move for DiCaprio and Scott

Sir Ridley Scott and Leonardo DiCaprio
Scott and DiCaprio are also working on a thriller called The Low Dweller

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio and filmmaker Sir Ridley Scott are to collaborate on a big-screen version of sci-fi classic Brave New World, it has been reported.

DiCaprio will produce and possibly star in the adaptation of Aldous Huxley's 1931 novel, a prophetic work set in a seemingly perfect 26th-Century world.

Sir Ridley, who worked with DiCaprio on Body of Lies last year, will direct the film, The Hollywood Reporter has said.

The director is currently shooting a Robin Hood drama with Russell Crowe.

His previous forays into science-fiction, 1979's Alien and 1982's Blade Runner, are considered classics of the genre.

Sir Ridley has also just announced plans to direct a prequel to Alien - which won an Oscar for its special effects in 1980.


Huxley's 'futurist' novel, written in 1931 and published the following year, has been adapted for several televised movies but has yet to make it to the big screen.

Set in a world divided into five castes, it tells of a psychologist from a lower caste who becomes infatuated with a woman from a higher order.

Scott and DiCaprio will reportedly produce the project through their respective Scott Free and Appian Way companies, with Farhad Safinia - writer of Mel Gibson's Apocalypto, recruited to write the script.

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