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Last Updated: Sunday, 14 January 2007, 04:02 GMT
Baby son joy for test-tube mother
Louise Brown in 2003
Louise Brown was the first of many
The world's first "test-tube baby", Louise Brown, has spoken of her joy at giving birth to her first child.

Baby Cameron was born on 20 December in Bristol, where his 28-year-old mother lives with husband Wesley Mullinder.

"He's tiny, just under 6lb, but he's perfect," the proud mother told the Mail on Sunday, revealing that Cameron had been conceived naturally.

Well over one million "test-tube" babies have been born globally since Louise's 1978 birth after IVF


Louise, who was born in Oldham at 1147 BST on 25 July, 1978, told of her sorrow that her father John, a former rail engineer, had died two weeks before Cameron was born.

Father's wish

She told the paper: "We were lucky in that Wesley and I were able to conceive naturally.

"We'd only been trying for about six months so it was obviously much easier for us than for mum and dad.

"I don't know if the fact that they tried so hard to have a baby had any effect on me but I have always wanted children."

But the new mother said she wished her father had been able to see the baby.

"My sister has two children but it seems so unfair dad didn't get to see Cameron. He was only two weeks short of meeting him."

IVF baby marks 25th anniversary
26 Jul 03 |  Health
The fertility milestones
22 Jul 03 |  Health
Profile: Louise Brown
24 Jul 03 |  Health

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