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BBC News
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Last Updated: Wednesday, 5 July 2006, 06:40 GMT 07:40 UK
Car tax dodgers caught in sting
Nine cars have been clamped during a week-long operation in Tewkesbury to crackdown on vehicles without a valid road tax disc.

Gloucestershire Police and the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency carried out the checks in the Priors Park area using a number-plate recognition van.

Clamped cars will only be released to their owners on production of a tax disc and payment of �80.

If the cars are removed, the release cost rises to �160 plus �15 per day.

Offenders identified

Warning that similar operations would be carried out throughout the town on a regular basis for the foreseeable future, Sergeant Andy Prouse said: "If you haven't got tax, you will be caught and it's a much cheaper option to pay up in the first place than be faced with a big bill and the inconvenience of having to manage without your vehicle until it's released."

Unclaimed vehicles may be crushed after seven days.

Owners of untaxed vehicles also face prosecution with fines of up to �1,000 plus the back tax owed and court costs.

Jeff Mumford, Head of Compliance at DVLA said: "We know that there still remains a hardcore group of evaders who have no intention of paying tax, and are usually equally remiss with their MOT and insurance.

"We know who these people are, where they are and what vehicles they drive and now with the help of the police our answer is simple: we're taking your car - no more warnings."

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