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Daphnia (Daphnia)

Damme, Kay Van, 2016, Endemism and long distance dispersal in the waterfleas of Easter Island, Zootaxa 4154 (3), pp. 251-272 : 264-265

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4154.3.2

publication LSID




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scientific name

Daphnia (Daphnia)


( Daphnia (Daphnia) View in CoL View at ENA sp.)

Material. One ephippium from shallow water between vegetation, encanada, Terevaka (370m alt.), Leg. K. Desender, 20.XII.1993, Easter Island (sample 93.156)

Notes. Unknown Daphnia (Daphnia) species. 0.6mm in length, 0.5mm in width. Major axis of embryo chambers in ephippium perpendicular to the dorsal (carapace) margin. General shape symmetrical, not skewed posteriorly. Well-developed posterior spine with thick basis. Identification unknown. From one locality on Easter Island, Terevaka, with Ovalona , Sarscypridopsis and Paracyclops . The record is here placed between brackets, because only one ephippium was found. Until confirmation (more specimens), this should be treated as a potential contamination of the original sample.

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