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JB Petfoods for natural pet nutrition
natural dog food

: Cooked with care in the UK, with the finest and tastiest of ingredients, offering complete and natural nutrition from puppy to senior. 

: Great choice from Premium to Extra-65 with its super high meat content.

: Excellent pet nutrition from £46.49 for a large bag, and if you buy any two 10/12kg bags, we'll take £7 off the total price you pay! . 

: Free delivery, fresh from the manufacturer, to most UK adresses, with other discounts available.

Super Premium

Premium Dog Food
Tried and tested recipes, helping to support healthy coat, skin and digestive system. From puppy to senior, there's a tasty food here for all dog lovers!
Buy 2 x 10/12kg bags and save £7

Product Range

Goodness Grains

Naturals Dog Food
A name change for our Naturals range. Foods with freshly prepared meat or fish, healthy grains and a single source of meat protein.
Buy 2 x 10/12kg bags and save £7

Product Range

Grain Free 

Grain Free Dog Food
Freshly prepared meats and added pre-biotics & Omega 3 to aid digestion, and with no wheat or other grains, we've a tasty range of natural foods here!
Buy 2 x 10/12kg bags and save £7

Product Range

Working Breed

VAT Free Worker
Quality recipes from our premium and Grain Free ranges, suitable for all active working dogs from puppy to Senior, and come to you VAT free!
15kg from £47.99 delivered

Product Range

Extra 65 Superfood!

Superfood Dog Food
Our Superfood
65% Total Meat content with pre-biotics and a blend of 5 selected superfoods.
Buy 2 x 10/12kg bags and save £7

Product Range

Goodness Grains - Naturally Good!

natural food for dogs

"The Goodness Grains range, made in the UK, is gently cooked with wholesome grains and tasty ingredients, high in fibre and providing digestible nutrients such as essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, in a complete, tasty and well-balanced healthy and natural diet."

Goodness Lamb and Rice is made with 34% tasty Lamb, a nutrient-dense, digestible protein source, and  a good source of vitamin B12 and iron which are required to help keep nerve and blood cells healthy.

Goodness Lamb contains no wheat, wheat gluten, dairy, egg, soya, artificial preservatives or colours.

Made with Lamb 34% (Including Dried Lamb 25%, Freshly Prepared Lamb 4%, Lamb Fat 3%, Lamb Gravy 2%), Brown Rice, Barley, White Rice, Linseed, Beet Pulp, Alfalfa, Minerals, Vitamins, Seaweed, Omega 3 Supplement, FOS (960 mg/kg), Chicory Extract , Yucca Extract (190 mg/kg), Dandelion.

Try it now!
10kg Goodness Lamb and Rice - £46.49  
Buy any 2 x 10/12kg and save £3.50/bag
Quantity :


Colour Guide to Foods
Adult Dogs
Small Breed Dogs
Large Breed Dogs
Senior & Light Recipes

quantity discounts, free delivery