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You have somehow stumbled across the web page housing the Marvel Chronology Project. Briefly, the MCP is an effort to catalog every actual appearance by every significant character in the Marvel Universe, and place them in their proper chronological order. There are very few graphics on this site, in an effort to cut the download time. You've probably come here for information, not pictures, although there are some excellent graphics at some of the link sites. More on that in a moment.

Comics FeatureIf there's a particular character that's struck your fancy, that you just can't live without owning their every appearance, this is the place to start. Simply click on the first character of their name (if it's a supporting character, then the first letter of their last name), and the Project will take you to an alphabetical listing of all characters starting with that letter. You'll notice that some characters have links on their names. These links take you to either a cross-referenced MCP web page, or to a web page at another site dedicated to that character. If you have a web page that features a Marvel character, let us know and we'll add a link if it's appropriate.

First, however, you should visit the key and read the FAQ. The key gives you more detailed information about the project, including our charter, an abbreviations list, a list of titles covered, and what qualifies as an "appearance." The FAQ (or Frequently Asked Questions) goes into more detail on these and many other points that have been causing you to lose sleep.

Because of newly released comics, this site will be in a constant state of flux. If you should run across a link that seems to be dead, please send us an e-mail, and we'll update the link pronto.

Daron Jensen
Administrator, Marvel Chronology Project

Board of Directors
Daron Jensen Gerard McMenemy Michel Racaud Nick Smiles Arthur Stein

This site was last updated on June 25, 2023.

| # | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

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All characters contained in the Project are copyright or trademark Marvel Entertainment Group, and are used without permission. It is our belief that this web site can only serve to increase Marvel's corporate profit. However, Marvel is the sole judge of that, and at the request of Marvel Entertainment Group or their legal counsel, the Marvel Chronology Project will go quietly into the night.

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