Shiver me timbers! Pirate Party wins 15 seats in Berlin parliamentary elections

  • Second major success for political movement
  • Originally campaigned on file sharing and internet data protection but now tackles education and citizen rights

This is one political party who are clearly going to keep their accounts all ship-shape.

For the first time, the Pirate Party has managed to win seats in a state parliament after securing 9 per cent of the vote in Berlin.

In the second major success for the international Pirate Party movement after the European elections in 2009, the Germany Pirate Party looks to have won 15 parliament seats.

Rrrrr-esult! Pirate Party supporters celebrate after winning 15 seats in Berlin state elections yesterday

Winners: Bandanna-wearing supporters cheer as more results come in. The Pirate Party won 9 per cent of the vote, mostly from the under 30s

Formed in 2006, the party had more than 50 members in elected offices across Germany before yesterday's elections.

It originally campaigned on file sharing and data protection on the internet, but has since branched out to tackle education and citizen rights.

After the preliminary result was published, top Pirate candidate Andreas Baum told ZDF television: 'We will get right to work. This is all new for us.'

Branching out: The Pirate Party, part of an international movement that won a European seat in 2009, initially campaigned on file sharing and citizen privacy

The party has never been elected into a state or federal parliament before. It had to secure 5 per cent of the vote to be entitled to enter.

Initial results showed the Pirates received most of its support from younger voters - 15 per cent of people under 30 voted for it.

Sebastian Nerz, chairman of the party, told TorrentFreak: 'At the moment the Pirate Party of Germany does not have any paid employees.

'Everyone working for the party - including myself - is working in an honorary capacity. In contrast, Members of Parliament are paid for their work.

'This will enable those Pirates to work full-time for the party, thus giving us much more work force.'

He added that the party wanted to be as transparent as possible, secure citizens' privacy, abolish patents and limit the control of copyright-owning organisations.

The biggest losers in the election were the Free Democrats, Angela Merkel's coalition partner at the national level.

They won only 2 per cent of the vote, far short of the five per cent needed to win seats in the regional legislature.

The loss in Berlin, which is both a city and a state, is its fifth loss at the regional level this year.

General secretary Christian Lindner said: 'We will retreat into a phase of reflection to figure out how to make the party attractive to the people who share our views.'

Merkel's conservative Christian Democrats also suffered another setback, capturing only 23.2 per cent of the vote, behind the centre-left Social Democrats, who won 28.7 per cent.

Making waves: Pirate Party candidate Andreas Baum, right, gives an interview after the preliminary results along with Green party candidate Renate Kuenast

Victory: Berlin Mayor Klaus Wowereit celebrates after being reelected during the state polls, but the Social Democrat will have to form a new coalition

Mayor Klaus Wowereit returned to his seat, but will now have to build a new coalition in Berlin after a weak showing by his previous partner, the Left party.

Polls have indicated that Berlin citizens would welcome a coalition of the Social Democrats and the Greens.

The first Pirate Party appeared in Sweden - the Piratpartiet - in 2006 and several international parties formed Pirate Parties International in 2007 as they targeted European elections in 2009.

The Swedish branch of the party one a European seat as a result of their efforts.