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    After numerous requests for specific recommendations, OSdata.com now includes recommended systems for different kinds of content creation. See each individual web page for the recommendations for each field of content creation.

    Wondering what to do with that computer science paper now that it has been graded and returned? Submit it for posting in the special topics area of OSdata.com. There is no pay for any papers posted, but authors will be identified and credited. Submission of an academic paper indicates that you own the copyright (that is, you wrote it yourself and didn’t plagerize) and that you grant permission for it to be posted on OSdata.com without any compensation other than credit. The decision of which papers to post on the web site rests solely on whim. Papers may be edited.

OSdata.com is used in more than 300 colleges and universities around the world

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    Copyright © 2000, 2001 Milo

    Last Updated: February 22, 2001

    Created: August 26, 2000

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