+++ to secure your transactions use the Bitcoin Mixer Service +++


What is Yax?

Yax is an Java implementation of the XProc Specification, an XML Pipeline Language (XProc: An XML Pipeline Language W3C Working Draft 17 November 2006). Yax processes XProc Scripts like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xproc:pipeline name="pipe1" 
   <xproc:step name="trans1" type="xproc:XSLT" 
      yax:description="transforms 'a*' elements to 'b*' elmenents.">
      <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation1.xsl"/> 
   <xproc:step name="trans2" type="xproc:XSLT" 
    yax:description="transforms 'b*' elements to 'c*' elmenents.">
      <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation2.xsl"/>
      <xproc:parameter name="transformer" value="Saxon6" /> 
   <xproc:step name="trans3" type="xproc:XSLT" 
      yax:description="transforms 'c*' elements to 'd*' elmenents.">
      <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation3.xsl"/> 
      <xproc:parameter name="transformer" value="XSLTC" /> 