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Why should passwords be encrypted if they’re stored in a secure database?

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Why should passwords be encrypted if they’re stored in a secure database?
Stack Exchange
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phpmysqlguy asks:

I have a Web service. Right now, I have passwords stored in plain text in a MySQL table on my server. I know this isn't the best practice, and that is why I am working on it.

But my question is this: why should passwords be encrypted if they are being stored in a secure database? I realize that if someone hacks in to my database they will get everyone's password. But I have other problems if someone gets in my database, for example, and starts deleting data.

See the full, original question here.

Who’s important here?

pdr answers (175 votes):

First up, you should be more free with read-only access rights than read-write. It might be possible that a hacker has access to your data but isn't able to edit it.

But, much more importantly, this is not about you. The fact that you might be screwed if someone has full access to your database is irrelevant. Much more important is your user's data.

If you recover your database, the hacker still has access to your user's account.

And who knows what else? What if they use the same password at Google? Or PayPal? What if that gives a hacker access to their mother's maiden name, or the last 4 digits of their credit card?

What if that gets them into other accounts? Don't put it past a hacker to go through a user support system and get more information.

Just ... just don't. That's your user's private information and you don't need to be able to see it. It's also your reputation. Encrypt it.

EDIT: One extra comment, to save any future reader from reading every answer and comment:

If you're going to encrypt (in the strictest sense) then you need to use a public / private key pair, which is fine but makes life a little bit more difficult for both you and your user.

A simpler, and just as effective, solution is to random-salt and hash the password. Hashing alone is not enough; if your user employs a common password, it will appear in reverse-hashing tables, which are readily available with a simple Internet search.

Related: "Should I change all passwords due to Heartbleed?"

You’re worried about the small fry

Karl Bielefeldt answers (17 votes):

Noticeable attacks like deleting data are usually the stuff of amateurs, and are the least of your worries. One of the first things an experienced attacker will do is attempt to gain legitimate access, so even if you patch the original vulnerability he used, he will still be able to get in. He will do everything possible to avoid drawing attention to himself until he accomplishes what he desires. By leaving passwords unhashed, you just potentially made his job a lot easier. You also made it harder to detect and isolate his future malicious behavior.

Also, not all compromises give you full shell access. What if the vulnerability an attacker used is just a read-only SQL injection on the users table? Leaving passwords unhashed just gave him pretty much full access.

That's in addition to the reasons given by other answers about your responsibility to safeguard your users' data. My point is, it's not just you, or your current users, who have something to lose.

Hash and salt

NobleUplift answers (11 votes):

I have to post an answer here on a fallacy in the question itself. You are asking if passwords should be encrypted. No one encrypts passwords; no one, with the exception of services and programs like Firefox Sync and Roboform, whose sole purpose is to encrypt passwords.

Let's take a look at the definitions:

In cryptography, encryption is the process of encoding messages (or information) in such a way that only authorized parties can read it.

And hashing:

A hash function is any algorithm that maps data of arbitrary length to data of a fixed length.

In other words, encryption is a two-way conversion and hashing is a one-way conversion, so unless you are decrypting to view them later, this is not encryption.

Also, don't just hash, salt! Read this entire page before you hash your passwords

As for hashing algorithms, which the OP is now looking into, I would suggest any of the high-end SHA-2 variants, such as SHA-384 or SHA-512.

And make sure to use rounds of hashing. Don't hash once, hash multiple times.

Consider reading this page to secure your login process more.

Second, your database can never be secure enough. There will always be security holes and ever-evolving risks. You should follow Murphy's Law and always prepare for the worst eventuality.

The other points pdr makes are exactly what else I would say: people who use the same password for every website, hackers using social engineering to gain more information, etc. etc.

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