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In the Fog

Herobrine has entered Minetest. BEWARE and TREAD LIGHTLY.

  • Bugs and crashes should be expected.
  • This mod is more focused towards singleplayer.
    • Multiplayer is functional, but bugs and oversights not found in singleplayer testing might appear in multiplayer.
  • Parts of the mod are able to crash your game AT RANDOM.
  • Parts of the mod are also able to cause permanent damage to your world.
  • /herobrine help: Shows a list of commands within the mod. Some may be hidden from view.
    • herobrine_admin: A privilege needed to execute special commands.
  • /herobrine settings: Shows a formspec with all of the registered settings and their values.
    • You need herobrine_admin in order to update those settings and experience their effect.
    • Some changes may require you to restart the server.
  • v1.1.1:
    • Added settings to change the volume of the ambience and jumpscare sounds.
  • v1.1.0:
    • Added ambience.
    • Rewrote and added parts of DOCUMENTATION.md.
    • Updated the settings formspec.
    • Stalking Herobrine can now convert to regular Herobrine.
    • Updated miscellaneous things.
  • v1.0.0 - v1.0.2:
    • Fixed some issues.
    • Added Stalking Herobrine.
    • Added Random Footsteps.
    • Added Game Crash.
    • Added Shrine.
    • Added Random Tunnels.
    • Added Randomly Opening Doors.
    • Added Jumpscares.
    • Added Pyramids.

INSPIRATION: Lunar Eclipse Studios - From the Fog and Calvin's From the Fog Series.



Do you recommend this mod?

  • With this mod you will never feel alone again

    I havent seen him yet but a door opened in front of me, i heard footsteps nearby and a spooky sound in a cave entrance. I suggest adding as a feature the chance of herobrine breaking torches you've placed like in the minecraft mod. After a few days he appeared when a loud sound played, since then he began appearing and each time loud ambiance would play. If you are somebody playing the mod i recommend disabling the ambience part of it or replacing the sound files with something more subtle and less loud like i ended up doing (these ones). I considered disabling it but sometimes you need to know where he is to not run into him and get too close. He appears very often, at least twice a day and once a night, from a distance no bigger than 40 blocks, (maybe its tied to render distance, i dont know) and sometimes he will pop up right in front of your line of sight. He stays in place for a while, waching you and after a while he vanishes. Dont get too close to it