Хутшăнакана чарса хунă

Your IP address has been blocked on all wikis.

The block was made by ‪Superpes15‬. The reason given is Tor exit node request.

  • Start of block: 15:43, 28 Нарӑс уйӑхӗн 2023
  • Expiry of block: 15:43, 28 Нарӑс уйӑхӗн 2025

Your current IP address is Ҫырупа тухнӑ чухне, тархасшӑн, ҫак пӗтӗм сведенисене яланах кӑтартӑр.

If you believe you were blocked by mistake, you can find additional information and instructions in the No open proxies global policy. Otherwise, to discuss the block please post a request for review on Meta-Wiki.

Тĕп страница страницӑна таврăн.