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The Ğ1 currency

The Ğ1 currency is a "libre currency" powered by Duniter software. It was created six years ago and now counts more than 6000 co-creator members.

This experiment enabled us to learn a lot, both technically and on a human level. This website is more about the technical side. For practical details, please consult the Ğ1 currency website.


A long-term project

Many crypto-currencies seek to gain rapid adoption through aggressive marketing techniques or ICOs. Ğ1 takes time to build trust and moves forward with balance.

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May 2022

During the RML 16 (french libre currency hackathon), the ǦDev test currency was launched to develop version 2 of Duniter ecosystem.

December 2021

After 4 years of existence, the Ǧ1 exceeds 4000 co-creators of money.

June 2020

The classified ads website ğchange crosses the symbolic threshold of 10 000 ads. Many offline ğmarkets were also organised!

April 2020

Despite the pandemic which limits physical meetings, the Duniter forum dedicated to technical contributors has passed the symbolic 1000 account milestone. The project is therefore interesting both on the human point and on the technical aspects.

31 Decembre 2019

Between the beginning of Ğ1 and the end of 2019, more than 3000 people have been co-creators of free money at least once in their lives.

1st May 2018

A little over a year after its launch, June has passed the symbolic milestone of 1000 members simultaneously co-creating money. Despite the nascent economy, the idea is attracting interest from one end of France to the other.

8 march 2017

One year after the end of the Meta_Brouzouf experiment, the block zero of Ǧ1 currency is crafted. It has 59 members and starts an adventure that continues today.

April 2016

The project initially named uCoin changes its name to Duniter. This is the beginning of the software that powers Ğ1.

A currency that goes out of France

Although born in France, libre money is of interest beyond its borders. The translation of ideas into other languages is enriching and opens the way to international exchanges.

French Catalan Castillan Esperanto English Italian

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A shared technical governance

Duniter's personalised proof of work puts every member on an equal footing for writing the blockchain. In practice, already 200 people have written at least one block, which is a significant share of users, unlike other cryptocurrencies.

As the computation of blocks is not remunerated by monetary creation, a collaborative fund automatically rewards the author of each block.

A vibrant economy

Despite the interest in technology, the primary function of a currency remains exchange! Ǧ1 has a rich economic activity in the densest regions.

Several adverts sites such as Le Bon Coin or Craigslist specifically dedicated to Ğ1 allow people to make contact at a distance to exchange goods or services. The best known, ğchange, has seen over 15,000 offers and requests!


More info

For practical details, we invite you to consult the monnaie-libre.fr website or to discuss with other users on the forum.monnaie-libre.fr.

On this site, you can find more technical information about the Ğ1 in the dedicated wiki category. You can also check the frequently asked questions about the Ğ1.