||<>|| = Introduction = phpMyAdmin is a very popular MySQL management software package. To use it, you'll need to install and configure Apache, PHP, and the PHP `mysqli` extension. See [[ApacheMySQLPHP]] for instructions. = Installing From Package = Install '''phpMyAdmin''' from the Universe repository. See InstallingSoftware for detailed instructions on using repositories and package managers. (Note, however, that installation from a package manager often does not work). From console: {{{ sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin }}} * If you're using Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy) or later select '''Apache2''' from the ''"Configuring phpmyadmin"'' dialog box. To set up under Apache all you need to do is include the following line in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf. {{{ Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf }}} * If you are using Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty), there is no need to modify /etc/apache2/apache2.conf as the package installer already copied the file phpmyadmin.conf into /etc/apache2/conf.d directory. You can also skip the set up step and go directly to http:///phpmyadmin and login with the user and password you set up during install. Once phpMyAdmin is installed point your browser to [[http://localhost/phpmyadmin]] to start using it. You should be able to login using any users you've setup in MySQL. If no users have been setup, try ''root'' with no password to login. Should you get a 404 "Not Found" error when you point your browser to the location of phpMyAdmin (such as: [[http://localhost/phpmyadmin]]) the issue is likely caused by not checking the 'Apache 2' selection during installation. To redo the installation run the following: {{{ sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow phpmyadmin }}} Then select Apache 2 for the webserver you wish to configure. If this does not work, then you can do the following to include the phpMyAdmin-shipped Apache configuration into Apache: {{{ sudo ln -s /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload }}} * Since Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander), Apache no longer loads configuration files from the /etc/apache2/conf.d directory. Instead, they are placed in the /etc/apache2/conf-available directory which is managed with the a2enconf command. Therefore, if you need to manually include the phpMyAdmin-shipped Apache configuration file, you must run the following: {{{ sudo ln -s /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/phpmyadmin.conf sudo a2enconf phpmyadmin sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload }}} = Installing from source = You may install phpmyadmin from source. This method circumvents the package manager and you will need to install updates yourself. This is not recommended for a production web server. Also, you'll need to have [[Git]] installed to download the source. You will also need [[Composer]] and [[Yarn]] (package: yarnpkg) to build the generated files. == Install the source == To install it from source, open the console and cd to the www directory using: {{{ cd /var/www/html }}} Then download it using git by writing: {{{ git clone https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin.git -b STABLE phpMyAdmin-STABLE }}} Then cd to phpMyAdmin: {{{ cd phpMyAdmin-STABLE }}} == Build it == Install the composer vendor modules {{{ composer update --no-dev }}} Install the JS tools and build the source code {{{ yarnpkg install --production # Or yarn install --production }}} To also have other languages than English you will need to install [[gettext]] and run {{{ ./scripts/generate-mo }}} == Configure phpMyAdmin == === Using the configuration GUI === Navigate to http://localhost/phpMyAdmin-STABLE/setup/ in your browser and follow the instructions. When your configuration file is ready you can click "Download" or copy the generated code. Write it into `config.inc.php` in the `phpMyAdmin-STABLE` folder. === Copying the sample config file === Copy `config.sample.inc.php` to `config.inc.php` and make the necessary adjustments. {{{ cp config.sample.inc.php config.inc.php }}} == Use phpMyAdmin == Now that the configuration is done, navigate to: http://localhost/phpMyAdmin-STABLE/ '''Note:''' This guide has been tested on Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper), Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), and Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy). And the source install part has been re-written in 2023 by William Desportes@phpMyAdmin-team following the [[https://docs.phpmyadmin.net/en/qa_5_2/setup.html#installing-from-git|phpMyAdmin documentation]]. Tested on Debian 12. ---- CategorySoftware