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Route 202 Quabbin Overlook Cache

Volume 7, Issue 159; 05 Sep 2004; last modified 08 Oct 2010

A beautiful view of the Quabbin.

I drive by this overlook to the Quabbin reservoir every time I go into the offices in Burlington.

The Quabbin Reservoir
The Quabbin Reservoir

It’s gorgeous all year long, though in summer you get only a fleeting glimpse of the actual reservoir.

Quabbin Overlook
Quabbin Overlook

Ironically, the Quabbin reservoir actually services Boston. They ship it half way across the state.

Massachusetts politics pretty much pits the entire state against greater metropolitan Boston. That is, the state collects taxes from us all and spends most of it inside route 128. Every now and then someone jokes (sometimes not entirely without seriousness) about secession.

We’re taking the Quabbin with us.

The Route 202 Quabbin Overlook Cache is very cleverly concealed.

Route 202 Quabbin Overlook Cache
Route 202 Quabbin Overlook Cache

If you’re driving 202, the overlook is worth a stop, whether you’re seeking the cache or not.