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Volume 15, Issue 12; 16 Apr 2012

The Springfield Science Museum has a great exhibit going on now.

I have always been fond of frogs. I love to hear them in the spring, I'm always looking around for them when I'm out in the wild, and I've kept them as pets.

There's a special exhibit of them at the Springfield Science Museum: Frogs: a chorus of colors. Deb and I made an impromptu visit yesterday.

A weekend visit to a science museum seems like a bad plan: think throngs of children and adults. But apparently the warm weather kept everyone outside yesterday. We had the exhibit place entirely to ourselves!

I didn't have my camera with me, but I did take a few mobile phone snaps.

Chinese gliding frog
Chinese gliding frog

I think that's the best shot.

Blue poison frog
Blue poison frog

And it's hard to take a bad picture of a Poison dart frog.

The rest of the snaps, well. Not so much.

Tomato frogs
Tomato frogs

I kept a tomato frog as a pet years ago. Sweet little things.

Long-nosed horned frogs
Long-nosed horned frogs
African bullfrog
African bullfrog

Big. Squared.

African clawed frog
African clawed frog
Amazon milk frog
Amazon milk frog
Borneo eared frogs
Borneo eared frogs
Smooth sided toad
Smooth sided toad
Smokey jungle frog
Smokey jungle frog
Ornate horned frog
Ornate horned frog

I've been thinking about setting up another terrarium. If I do, I think one of these little bruisers might become a resident.


I actually think the African Bullfrog shot is the best picture, just considered as a picture.

—Posted by John Cowan on 16 Apr 2012 @ 08:34 UTC #