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  • Your IP address,, has been automatically identified as a Tor exit node. Editing through Tor is blocked to prevent abuse. For additional information and instructions to legitimate users, see the no open proxies global policy.
  • Your IP address has been blocked on all wikis. The block was made by ‪Jon Kolbert‬. The reason given is Open proxy: See the help page if you are affected.
    • Start of block: 03:26, 18 Std 2023
    • Expiry of block: 04:26, 7 Trì 2024
    Your current IP address is Pro praghere include totu sos detàllios inoghe in subra in cale si siat dimanda de acrarimentu chi as a fàghere. If you believe you were blocked by mistake, you can find additional information and instructions in the No open proxies global policy. Otherwise, to discuss the block please post a request for review on Meta-Wiki.

Podes bìere o copiare su còdighe mitza de custa pàgina.

Torra a Mare Càspiu.