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Last update: Tuesday, October 17, 2006   
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DEATH PENALTY: 25 Years After Abolition, France Fosters Uncertainty
By Julio Godoy
PARIS - Although France abolished the death penalty 25 years ago, some of the nation's leading institutions and politicians continue to foster the idea that capital punishment can be applied under special circumstances, especially in time of war or against terrorists.


DEATH PENALTY-IRAQ: Increase in Executions Condemned
By Srabani Roy
NEW YORK - International human rights organisations are increasingly worried about the recent rise in executions and people sentenced to death in Iraq.


DEATH PENALTY: NGOs, Italy Seek Worldwide Ban
By Sabina Zaccaro
ROME - In the 13 years since its birth in Italy, the global campaign to abolish the death penalty has convinced more than half the countries in the world of its cause.


DEATH PENALTY: Jamaicans Debate Re-introduction
By Michael Deibert
KINGSTON - Carl McHargh sports twenty-three stab wounds on his body which he received while he was sitting on death row in the Spanish Town District Prison.


DEATH PENALTY-US: Federal Case Revives Local Debate
By Haider Rizvi
NEW YORK - A high-profile murder case in the U.S. state of North Dakota has drawn new battle lines between those who support and those who oppose the death penalty in a state which has not executed anyone in a century.


DEATH PENALTY: Capital Punishment Could Be Killed in Morocco
By Abderrahim El Ouali
CASABLANCA - A bill that would abolish capital punishment in Morocco is scheduled to be presented to parliament within the few next months, a member of a leading Moroccan political party said.


DEATH PENALTY: Seven Women Face Stoning in Iran
By Alison Langley*
BERLIN - Amnesty International has issued an urgent appeal calling on its members to write letters to the Republic of Iran asking them not to stone seven women.


DEATH PENALTY: No One Too Young in Iran
By Kimia Sanati
TEHRAN - In Iran it is difficult to figure out when a person is considered an adult. According to Article 49 of the Islamic Penal Code the age of legal responsibility is nine years for girls and 15 for boys. Youngsters of both sexes, however, have to wait until they are 16 to vote in elections, and 18 to open a bank account, get a driver's license, or sell property in their names.


DEATH PENALTY: "Swara" Killings in Pakistan Continue
By Zofeen T. Ebrahim
KARACHI - In 2005, 17-year-old Rubina Bibi died under mysterious circumstances after eating a meal in the small village of Kas Koroona, in Pakistan's North West Frontier Province (NWFP). She was living at the time in an animal shed -- the only place where her in-laws would allow her to stay.


DEATH PENALTY: Florida Death Penalty System Criticised
By Mark Weisenmiller
TAMPA, Florida - An influential lawyer's group in the United States has strongly criticised Florida's death penalty system, calling it ambiguous and secretive.


DEATH PENALTY: DNA Tests Prove Justice Has Failed
By Alberto Cremonesi
NEW YORK - When we talk of capital punishment there is no room for mistakes; no allowances for doubt or indecision. There is definitely no mechanism for review of guilt or innocence after someone has been killed.




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Death Penalty - Stop the KillingThe ultimate cruel and unusual punishment is the death penalty. Yet, according to Amnesty International, there were 2,148 known executions in 2005 -- 94 percent of them took place in China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United States. Governments with the death penalty disproportionately kill minorities and the poor. Alarmingly, they continue to execute the mentally ill and minors.

Some 122 countries around the world have either abolished or placed a moratorium on this inhumane practice. Last year, 81 member states co- sponsored a UN High Commissioner on Human Rights resolution calling on countries which have not yet done so to either abolish the death penalty or place it on hold. While international agreements have restricted and even banned the death penalty, its application still is not a violation of international law. But pressure on governments to stop this irrevocable practice grows, especially as new technologies, like DNA tests, have shown that some of the people sentenced to death actually are innocent. IPS keeps the debate running.

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by Piers Bannister
OCTOBER 2006 - A man is in court on trial for murder. He does not understand the language in which he is being tried. He has no defence lawyer. Because he does not know what is being said, he is unaware that he has been sentenced to death, writes Piers Bannister, a researcher on the death penalty at Amnesty International Secretariat.

by Elisabetta Zamparutti
JULY 2006 - The annual report on capital punishment issued on July 21 by the abolitionist organisation Hands Off Cain shows that the movement towards the abolition of the death penalty, underway for at least ten years, is continuing, writes Elisabetta Zamparutti, a lawyer and the coordinator of the annual report on the death penalty worldwide by Hands Off Cain.

by Mark Sommer
MARCH 2006 (IPS) - Support for capital punishment is starting to soften even among some long-time death penalty advocates, writes Mark Sommer, director of the U.S.-based Mainstream Media Project and host of the award-winning internationally-syndicated radio programme ''A World of Possibilities''.
 Related Web Sites

Amnesty International
Human Rights Watch
Hands Off Cain
International Development Law Organisation
World Coalition Against the Death Penalty
International Helsinki Federation on Human Rights
International Federation for Human Rights
Death Penalty Information Centre (USA)
Death Penalty Links
Human Rights: Death Penalty
The Innocence Project (USA)

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