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Labour leadership, close of nominations
At 12.30 today nominations closed for the leadership and deputy leadership of the Labour Party.

For the leadership of the Labour Party the following candidate has been validly nominated:

Gordon Brown 313

For the deputy leadership of the Labour Party the following candidates have been validly nominated:

Hilary Benn 47
Hazel Blears 49
Jon Cruddas 49
Peter Hain 51
Harriet Harman 65
Alan Johnson 73

Labour’s General Secretary Peter Watt commented:

I congratulate everyone who has been successfully nominated. Candidates are now invited formally to accept their nomination by noon tomorrow.

The first part of our process of electing a new leader is for a candidate to demonstrate support from their colleagues in Parliament.

All nominated candidates will be attending Labour Party hustings around the country over the coming weeks. All candidates are therefore required to attend those meetings.

The contest is doing great credit to the Labour Party and each of the candidates involved. I am confident the contest will continue in this spirit – a contest which is engaging, a contest that is reaching out to members certainly but critically is reaching out to the British people

Ballots will go out from 6 June and the ballot closes on Friday 22 June.

On Sunday 24 June, at our leadership conference in Manchester, Labour will announce its new leader and deputy leader.”

Jacqui Smith, Labour’s Chief Whip, comments on close of nominations for leadership of the Labour Party:

“Labour’s rules are clear: to be a candidate you need to be able to demonstrate significant support from your fellow MPs.

“I am delighted that my fellow Labour MPs have overwhelmingly united around Gordon as the candidate to take Britain forwards when Tony Blair steps down.

The outcome of the nominations process has, I believe, reflected the views of the Labour Party across the country.

We now move on to the next stage of our leadership elections, with Gordon Brown and the six deputy leadership candidates engaging with and listening to the country, starting on Sunday at our first hustings in Coventry.

Party members will be delighted, as I am, that in around 5 weeks time Britain’s most successful Chancellor ever becomes Party Leader.

Meanwhile the business of government continues. We have said throughout this contest that the British people come first, and we continue to govern in the interests of the whole country.
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Promoted by Peter Watt, General Secretary, the Labour Party on behalf of the Labour Party, both at 39 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0HA.