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LAMP's Movie Poster Artist Series

Albert Kallis

The son of Universal studio artist Mischa Kallis, Albert was born in Kansas City, Mo.

Having his father's gift for art, Albert went to the Art Center College in Los Angeles.

In 1948, Albert left the Art Center School in Los Angeles to live in Paris for a year. Upon his return he became a free-lance illustrator for Universal Pictures, Foote and Cone Belding, Capitol Records and Saul Bass.

Roger Corman hired him to do a campaign for "Gunslinger" that was released by American Releasing Corporation that was soon to become American International Pictures.

In 1955 Albert made a handshake agreement to do all their advertising and posters. Thus starting a relationship with AIP for their low budget films. As their art director Albert conceived the campaigns, made the layouts for ads and posters and did the finished illustrations.

While working as art director for AIP, Albert became one of the founders of The International House of Pancakes now known as IHOP, an icon among America's most famous restaurant chains. He designed all of their original menus, ads and annual reports.

In 1957 American International's fast growing schedule forced him to hire artists such as Joe Smith and Reynolds Brown to do the finished art. Reynolds did the finish art on I Was a Teenage Werewolf while Albert went to work on Invasion of the Saucer Men.

During his 19 years with AIP he created campaigns from some of the movies scripts before they were made and with them Jim Nicholson started AIP's famous pre-production sell tactics. The theater distributors jumped on the film mainly because of the fantastic poster artwork. Albert created the title as well as the campaign for The Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman that was released by Allied Artists. Reynolds Brown did the finish art and it became one of their most famous posters.

For 23 years, Albert produced and supervised many of the memorable artworks in the film industry.

In 1973, he left motion picture advertising to start a non-profit foundation with his wife Trudy. Together they have made award-winning documentaries for education, charities, and social causes. Their last, Art Colonies in America - The American Impressionists won the "Silver Screen Award" U.S. International Film and Video Festival 2005.

For a computer list of poster images that we have on Albert Kallis, click here.

The following is artwork that we have attributed to Albert Kallis

Supervised all artwork for AIP
until 1973