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Summary Web-based version control repository browser
Category scm
License BSD License
Owner(s) cmpilato

ViewVC — Web-based Version Control Repository Browsing

Latest Release

The most recent release of ViewVC is: 1.0.5

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What Is ViewVC?

ViewVC is a browser interface for CVS and Subversion version control repositories. It generates templatized HTML to present navigable directory, revision, and change log listings. It can display specific versions of files as well as diffs between those versions. Basically, ViewVC provides the bulk of the report-like functionality you expect out of your version control tool, but much more prettily than the average textual command-line program output.

Here are some of the additional features of ViewVC:

  • Support for filesystem-accessible CVS and Subversion repositories
  • Individually configurable virtual host support
  • Line-based annotation/blame display
  • Revision graph capabilities (CVS only)
  • Syntax highlighting support
  • Commit metadata query facilities
  • Template-driven output generation
  • Colorized, side-by-side differences
  • Tarball generation (by tag for CVS, by revision for Subversion)
  • Localization support based on the Accept-Language request header
  • Ability to run either as CGI script or as a standalone server
  • Regexp-based file searching
  • INI-like configuration file (as opposed to requiring actual code tweaks)

For a complete list of changes present in each release, see ViewVC's CHANGES file.


Who needs screenshots when you can visit and interact with running ViewVC instances? The following sites are running various versions of ViewVC:

  • ViewVC has been integrated into CollabNet Enterprise Edition, and is used by Tigris.org to serve up displays of both CVS- and Subversion-backed projects hosted there (such as the ViewVC project itself).
  • ViewVC is also deployed at SourceForge.net, where it again serves up both CVS and Subversion repositories.
  • The Subversion development community uses ViewVC on svn.collab.net.