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XNA Creators Club Online

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Download History Now Available!

We know that everyone has been eager to find out how well their games have been performing so far on the Xbox LIVE Community Games Channel. Now those details are available to Creators Club members! But that's not all: Many creators can expect your very first Community Games paychecks beginning in May.

Download History on the My Business page will allow you to see how many downloads, both trial and full, there have been of your game since launch in November on a day-to-day basis. We've also put together a walkthrough document that explains how to use the download history section of the site along with how to process the data for more complex analysis.

We're still calculating the official payout totals for each developer and those sales figures will be available from the forthcoming Payment History link after the quarter ends. We want to be clear on this, given some feedback from our beloved MVPs, that this does not reflect any change on our schedule. If you have specific questions about how your payout is calculated, please visit our FAQ page.

There were also many questions surrounding the split of revenue based on our Marketing efforts toward your game. For the time being, we've decided to maintain the 70/30 split across the board whether your game was featured or not.

Part of the success of Community Games thus far is because you have been producing games at an incredible rate. On average, 10 games are added to the channel every week totaling more than 200 unique titles in only four months.

This has never been done before on any console, so we when we started this program we weren’t sure how large the demand would be. In just four short months, you’ve shown us the incredible growth potential for community-generated content on Xbox 360.

As always, if you have any questions send them to creators@microsoft.com or check our Forums where our incredible MVPs are always on hand to help out.

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