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- Thursday 21st January -
Olivetti Programma 101 doc 
- Tuesday 12th May -
IBM PS/1 Hardware Service Manual 
- Tuesday 28th April -
BASF 7120 Basic Manual 
- Saturday 4th April -
Exxon 500 series description updated 
- Thursday 19th March -
Televideo TS-1603 pictures 
- Monday 2nd March -
AVL Eagle II pictures 
- Friday 5th December -
Thomson MO5 TV commercial video 
- Friday 28th November -
Central Data 2650 computer system entry updated 
- Thursday 20th November -
updates digest 
- Monday 10th November -
Bull TTX-80/85/90 entrey updated 
- Monday 10th November -
H316 & DDP516 simulators added 
- Monday 10th November -
Apple II advert added 
- Monday 10th November -
Zenith-Heathkit H-89 french advert 
- Monday 10th November -
Tandy TRS-80 model III advert added 
- Saturday 1st November -
ITMC SD-290 pictures updated 
- Monday 27th October -
MITS Altair 8800 videos added 
- Monday 27th October -
Intel iPDS documentation 
- Thursday 18th September -
New Commodore C116 pictures 
- Thursday 18th September -
New Commodore C64 peripherals 
- Thursday 18th September -
Gotcha videogame from Atari (1973) added 
- Wednesday 17th September -
new ICL Quattro testimony  
- Wednesday 17th September -
Miniature Golf game (Atari 2600) added 

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A more sophisticated collectors section
An auction/classified service
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A better website design
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It's been 13 years now since this adventure began. A lot of work has been done since, but a great amount of interesting and varied work remains to be done, so we need your help! If you think you can help us, click here to find how.

Radionic Model R1001 RADIONIC MODEL R1001 (4/3/2009)
Recently found on Ebay, this weird system is an extremly rare TRS-80 Model 1 clone, based on an other clone: The Komtek 1 (from Germany). It's equiped with a Level II basic and powered by a Zilog Z80 cpu.
Terta TAP-34 computer TERTA TAP-34 COMPUTER (1/5/2009)
TAP 34 is a self design of Terta company from Hungary. Primarily it was designed as a terminal for big computer systems but it was also able to process data alone. The main integrated circuits were assembled in the USSR and in Hungary by Tungsram, but several parts were imported from other countries.
MCM computers MCM COMPUTERS (11/18/2008)
All the MCM machines were designed and built in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. The company was originally called "Micro Computer Machines, Inc." (the term "micro computer" was all the rage in the early 70's) but sometime in the late 70's changed the name to simply "MCM Computers". MCM was among the first companies to fully recognize and act upon microprocessor technology's immense potential for developing a new generation of cost-effective computing systems.
Epoch Cassette Vision games EPOCH CASSETTE VISION GAMES (10/21/2008)
The Cassette Vision is a japanese console released in 1981 by Epoch. This is for sure an obscure system as little is known about this console. It was one of the first cartridge system released in japan and had almost no real competitor until the launch of the fabulous Nintendo Famicom in 1983. We have just added the software section for this system, so you can see what the games looked like!
Atari Basketball (Atari VCS, Atari 8-bit computers, Arcade) ATARI BASKETBALL (ATARI VCS, ATARI 8-BIT COMPUTERS, ARCADE) (9/23/2008)
Basketball was the first "real" basketball videogame. There has been pong variations before, but this basketball game from Atari was the first to use human shaped players (even if their animation is a bit silly) and a pseudo-3D playfield. Moreover, it offers paced 2 player action along with real basketball features like dribbling, adjustable shots, defensive jumps or even stealing the ball from your adversary hands.
Ordisor PCC 2000 ORDISOR PCC 2000 (9/19/2008)
PCC 2000 is an obscure professional computer released in 1980. It was apparently marketed by Ordisor, (a company belonging to the group Sofragem) but it is not impossible that the machine was simply an importation from U.S.A. or Japan. The only information source we have so far is a french advert from may 1980.
Commodore VIC-1001 COMMODORE VIC-1001 (9/9/2008)
The VIC-1001 is the first of the VIC series of computers, which includes the tremendously successful VIC-20. The VIC-1001 was only sold in Japan. As such, it includes a special character ROM and keyboard that allow the user to enter Katakana characters.
Univox 41N UNIVOX 41N (8/16/2008)
The Univox 41N is a classic pong system sold mainly in France (contact us if it was sold elsewhere). It seems to have been quite popular as many for them were found in french flea markets and boot sales. The case design is not particularly original: black rectangle with two detachable controllers and a wide control panel at the top. The controllers are also rectangular with a dial to move the bat on screen and a red button each, one to serve (left player) and the other to reset the game (right player).
Q1 Corporation system Q1 CORPORATION SYSTEM (8/3/2008)
The computer system was developed and manufactured by Q1 Corporation. They delivered the first microcomputer system to the Litcom Division of Litton Industries in Melville, Long Island on December 11, 1972 (and a second system in February, 1973). In April 1974 Intel introduced the second-generation, single-chip 8-bit microprocessor, the 8080. Until then, Q1 systems were the only self-contained, general-purpose microcomputer systems in the world.
Frael Bruc 100 FRAEL BRUC 100 (7/18/2008)
This is a rare case of a home computer planned and produced in Italy. This somewhat obscure computer is "almost" a MSX 1 machine without bearing any MSX logo. The only difference seems to be that instead of MSX Basic it has a "MCL extended Basic".

Atari 800 laptop ATARI 800 LAPTOP
Benheck stroke again! This mod genius has once more realised an amazing project: the ultimate Atari 800 laptop. Some quick specs: base unit is Atari XEGS motherboard, XE 130 RAM expansion built-in, 2.5�� PATA hard drive, large 15�� screen, flush-mount cartridge slot...

new game for Oric: Cosmos 1999 NEW GAME FOR ORIC: COSMOS 1999
Cosmos 1999 is a brand new game released for the Oric computers. This game has been written by fans, for the fans. Featuring real time isometric 3D (for the first time ever on an Oric), high definition soundtrack and sound effects, full length intro sequence, and advanced gameplay, the result is quite impressive considering the Oric limited features. Space 1999 allows you to control your favourite characters from the tv hit series in an exclusive and original adventure.

Action Max emulator released ACTION MAX EMULATOR RELEASED
Scott Duensing from Jaeger Technologies was bored one day and write an emulator for the Action Max console, being the first to do so! Based on the Daphne emulator it allows you to play "realistic games" (based on videos) such as HYDROSUB:2021, THE RESCUE OF POPS GHOSTLY or SONIC FURY !!

Play Sega SC-3000 games online PLAY SEGA SC-3000 GAMES ONLINE
For the first birthday of the SEGA SC-3000 website, www.sc-3000.com, SiRioKD has developed the online java version of his SC3K emulator. So now you will be able to play SC-3000/SG-1000 titles directly online. But you will also be able to try SEGA BASIC Level III, and SEGA DISK Basic with SF-7000 emulation!

$12 Computer: Playpower Wants to Save the World 8 Bits at a Time $12 COMPUTER: PLAYPOWER WANTS TO SAVE THE WORLD 8 BITS AT A TIME
The Apple II computer is long gone, but its heart beats on in the developing world, where 8-bit computers sell for as little as $12. Now, computer scientists see a way of using those ubiquitous, primitive PCs to help kids learn � by playing games. The project, first talked about last year, is gathering steam. Lomas and his partners are talking to manufacturing partners in China to produce the $12 systems, which are based on cheap computers already sold throughout the developing world.

RamTek - 1973
 game - ball and paddle - football - sport
Tandy TRS-80 PC-2
Tandy - 1982
 application - business and financial application
MATH II (26-3710)
Tandy TRS-80 PC-2
Tandy - 1982
 application - mathematics - science
GRAPHICS PAK (26-3715)
Tandy TRS-80 PC-2
Tandy - 1982
 application -
Tandy TRS-80 PC-2
Tandy - 1982
 application - chemistry - mathematics - science
Kee Games - 1974
 game - first person shooter - plane - shoot them up - war
Nutting Associates - 1973
 game - ball and paddle - sport - tennis

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