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Kepler 4b and SETI

10 May 2010, 17:48 UTC
Kepler 4b and SETI
(200 words excerpt, click title or image to see full post)

For some curious post to warm up a chilly monday, I just came across a surprising analysis of Kepler-4b signals not from planet-hunters, but from someone tinkering with SETI! As you all know, Kepler-4b is among the first batch of exoplanet discoveries announced by Kepler early this year. The host star Kepler-4 is also one of my adopted stars (ahem!) from the Pale Blue Dot project, so i took some time to look into this.And as I mentioned in my past post about SETIquest with a quick review of His Master's Voice by Stanislaw Lem (that book was lent to me by @leebillings by the way) the data is open for public consumption. So consider this post as a preview of things to come between the intersection of Planetary Science, SETI, Astronomy, Exoarchaeology(?), and just plain ol' geekiness.Apparently, someone who "likes analyzing signals" posted his baudline analysis of the Kepler-4 exoplanet data file. I'm just starting to dip my foot into Digital Signal Processing (DSP) here, but because I am interested in Data Visualization, I was drawn into it, which led to this quick post with lots of linktrails. I wish to get back more into this as I am ...

Note: All formatting and links have been removed - click title or image to see full article.

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