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The Hawthornden Prize

The oldest of the major British literary prizes was founded in 1919 by Miss Alice Warrender. It is awarded annually to an English writer for "the best work of imaginative literature," which is liberally interpreted and thus may include biography, travel, art history, etc, as well as fiction and drama. There is no competition; books do not have to be, and in fact cannot be, submitted. A panel of judges decides the winner. Young authors are particularly encouraged. The current value of the prize is £10,000.

1919 Edward Shanks The Queen of China
1920 John Freeman Poems Old and New
1921 Romer Wilson The Death of Society
1922 Edmund Blunden The Shepherd
1923 David Garnett Lady Into Fox
1924 Ralph Hale Mottram This Spanish Farm
1925 Sean O'Casey Juno and the Paycock
1926 Victoria Sackville-West The Land
1927 Henry Williamson Tarka the Otter
1928 Siegfried Sassoon Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man
1929 Lord David Cecil The Stricken Deer
1930 Geoffrey Dennis The End of the World
1931 Kate O'Brien Without My Cloak
1932 Charles Morgan The Fountain
1933 Victoria Sackville-West Collected Poems
1934 James Hilton Lost Horizon
1935 Robert Graves I, Claudius
1936 Evelyn Waugh Edmund Campion
1937 Ruth Pitter A Trophy of Arms
1938 David Jones In Parenthesis
1939 Christopher Hassall Penthesperon
1940 James Pope-Hennessy London Fabric
1941 Graham Greene The Power and the Glory
1942 John Llewllyn Rhys England is My Village
1943 Sidney Keyes The Cruel Solstice and The Iron Laurel
1944 Martyn Skinner Letters to Malaya

No award
1958 Dom Moraes A Beginning

No Award
1960 Alan Sillitoe The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
1961 Ted Hughes Lupercal
1962 Robert Shaw The Sun Doctor
1963 Alistair Horne The Price of Glory: Verdun 1916
1964 V. S. Naipaul Mr. Stone and the Knights Companions
1965 William Trevor The Old Boys

No Award
1967 Michael Frayn The Russian Interpreter
1968 Michael Levey Early Renaissance
1969 Geoffrey Hill King Log
1970 Piers Paul Read Monk Dawson

No Award
1974 Oliver Sacks Awakenings
1975 David Lodge Changing Places
1976 Robert Nye Falstaff
1977 Bruce Chatwin In Patagonia
1978 David Cook Walter
1979 P. S. Rushforth Kindergarten
1980 Christopher Reid Arcadia
1981 Douglas Dunn St. Kilda's Parliament
1982 Timothy Mo Sour Sweet
1983 Jonathan Keates Allegro Postillions

No Award
1988 Colin Thubron Behind the Wall
1989 Alan Bennett Talking Heads
1990 Kit Wright Short Afternoons
1991 Claire Tomalin The Invisible Woman
1992 Ferdinand Mount Of Love and Asthma
1993 Anderw Barrow The Tap Dancer
1994 Tim Pears In the Place of Fallen Leaves
1995 James Michie The Collected Poems
1996 Hilary Mantel An Experiment in Love
1997 John Lanchester The Debt to Pleasure
1998 Charles Nicholl Somebody Else
1999 Antony Beevor, Stalingrad
2000 Michael Longley, The Weather in Japan
2001 Helen Simpson, Hey Yeah Right Get a Life
2002 Eamon Duffy, The Voices of Morebath
2003 William Fiennes, The Snow Geese
2004 Jonathan Bate, John Clare: A Biography
2005 Justin Cartwright, The Promise of Happiness
2006 Alexander Masters, Stuart: A Life Backwards
2007 M. J. Hyland, Carry Me Down
2008 Nicola Barker, Darkmans
2009 Patrick French, The World Is What It Is

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