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Google Play Paid Newsstand Content Now Available in France and Germany

google play newsstand

Just a quick note to our friends in other countries – paid Newsstand content is now available in France and Germany through Google Play. Paid content refers to premium news subscriptions (New York Times, WSJ, etc.) and magazine subscriptions.

France and Germany join the short list of countries that includes Australia, Canada, Italy, United Kingdom, and the United States. 

Via:  Google
  • Hater

    You know what really sucks? Every time I read an article and click on the linked words like “Newsstand” I expect it is linked to the Play Store, but guess what?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! It’s linked to the TAG NEWSSTAND; THAT SUCKS!

  • http://google.com/+Robert-idle0095 IDLE0095

    I can never get newsstand to just show my local news rss feed. It is always showing on the widget a bunch of stuff. Same thing with flipboard.