Super Easy Healthy Eating Tips


Eating right doesn’t have to be difficult. Healthy eating starts with learning new ways to eat, such as adding more fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and cutting back on foods that have a lot of fat, salt, and sugar. A change to healthier eating also includes learning about balance, variety, and moderation. Aim for […]

Say no to “DIETS”!!


“Diet” is a confusing word. Most people go on diets because they think they are overweight. Diets have become a common practice in our culture, where people are made to believe they will be healthier if they lost a few pounds. The truth is, 95% of people who lose weight on a diet will sooner or […]

Being healthy and fit quote – 2014


Being healthy and fit quote - 2014

Sweet Potato Quinoa Salad


I love food and I love to cook, though I haven’t always been very adventurous in the kitchen.  I have been a regular stalker of food blogs, I love to try new recipes and unusual ingredients, and I read cookbooks cover to cover like novels.  I think my cautious cooking ways may have begun when […]

Benefits of Quinoa


Health Benefits of Quinoa Quinoa is one of my favourite foods. It can be used in so many different recipes, including sweet and savory dishes. There are a ton of health benefits to quinoa as well! Quinoa is one of the most versatile foods you can prepare, and it can be used in numerous ways […]

Healthy AND Smart Ways To Eat At Restaurants


7 tips on how to eat healthy and smart at restaurants. Restaurants are dishonourable for sneaking in unhealthy ingredients. Some may think that the only way to remain truly healthy is to avoid eating out at most restaurants altogether. Or perhaps you can only eat at restaurants that are geared solely towards maintaining health. This simply […]

Blueberry Banana Smoothie


Here’s a simple fruit smoothie recipe I make quite often and decided to share with you all. Great to start your day instead of coffee, Fruits contains lots of vitamins, which are great for our general health, digestion, and helps to achieve a flawless skin. Almost everyone can use more fruits and vegetables in their […]