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Release: Sudden Death

Sudden Death Records is ecstatic to announce the re-release of D.O.A.’s 1983 classic “Bloodied But Unbowed”. Originally culled from the band's first two albums, early singles and EPs, the album became a landmark record which an incredible amount of punks grew up on. AMP magazine had this to say about it: “Greatest hits is an overused phrase. But this truly is some of the greatest, finest and bestest songs from that classic period when D.O.A. were easily the greatest band around.”

Now Sudden Death is re-issuing this 19 song CD. SDR has teamed up with Loud Fast Rules magazine to issue a limited edition picture disc 12” vinyl version. The disc will feature the famous cover of Mount Rushmore and it’s four president’s heads bleeding, which seems apropos.


D.O.A. To Rock Toronto International Film Festival/American Hardcore Screening

Steven Blush and Paul Rachman have come up with a great new film called “American Hardcore” which chronicles the rise of hardcore punk rock in the U.S.A. from 1979-85. Canada’s godfather of punk Joe Shithead Keithley are prominently featured with live footage and interviews. D.O.A. pushed the expression “Hardcore” into the common vernacular with their ground breaking album “Hardcore 81” and subsequent tours that spearheaded the popularization of the term.

Also featured in the film are Minor Threat, Black Flag, Circle Jerks and tons of others bands that took on mainstream conservative America with their vitriolic songs and approach. “American Hardcore” will make it’s Canadian debut Wednesday September 13th at the Paramount Theater, that will be followed by an after party at The Horseshoe in Toronto, which will feature performances by D.O.A. and the ever startling Flipper. D.O.A. are sure to be in fine form as they have added their original bass player back in the line-up, the legendary Randy Rampage, who will rock The Horseshoe along with D.O.A.’s drummer, The Great Baldini and Shithead on guitar.



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