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Doom 3 BFG Edition PlayStation 3


Mixed or average reviews - based on 16 Critics What's this?

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Mixed or average reviews- based on 97 Ratings

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  • Summary: Re-mastered for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, this game and its expansion pack offer enhanced graphics, engulfing the player in the demonic world of this terrifying horror. Players also experience a never-before-seen single-player story, 'The Lost Mission,' featuring seven levels that onceRe-mastered for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, this game and its expansion pack offer enhanced graphics, engulfing the player in the demonic world of this terrifying horror. Players also experience a never-before-seen single-player story, 'The Lost Mission,' featuring seven levels that once again have them on the edge of their seats. Expand
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Nov 6, 2012
    Doom 3 is an old game and it definitely shows its age. If you, however, are willing to look past that obvious defect, this game will prove that it is still just as nerve-wracking as it ever was.
  2. Oct 23, 2012
    Sprinkle in the fact that it's a polished older game that is packed full of fun and there will be little reason why gamers won't be fighting their way through a hellishly altered version of Mars for quite some time to come.
  3. Oct 25, 2012
    Unfortunately, for all its merit, BFG Edition fumbles the ball in a number of baffling ways. Load times are atrocious, (particularly on PS3), mandatory auto-saves interrupt gameplay, and there's absolutely no way to customize your control settings.
  4. 65
    Both games have been ported nicely, with a few new features that weren't there originally.
  5. Official PlayStation Magazine Benelux
    Dec 4, 2012
    One thing that won't drive you crazy any more is your flash light. In the original Doom 3 you had to choose. Do you want to shoot your gun? Or do you want to see where you are shooting. Sure, it added to the suspense, but in terms of gameplay it wasn't very practical. [December 2012, p.85]
  6. Playstation Official Magazine Australia
    Nov 28, 2012
    Despite the heritage, and the memories of the time (if you did play it) promising a nostalgic trip, it's a reminder of how far we've come. In the end, Doom 3 just feels old. [Christmas 2012, p.81]
  7. Doom 3: BFG Edition has its darkly atmospheric highlights. But a generous amount of content can't salvage a package that's decidedly dated. If you want a cracking Id shooter, buy Rage on PS3 for about a tenner, because this is one mission to Mars you're better off skipping.

See all 16 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 26
  2. Negative: 4 out of 26
  1. Oct 24, 2012
    This game is AWESOME! Doom 3 looks amazing. The lighting effects are 2nd to NONE! Some people don't like this game because it does not playThis game is AWESOME! Doom 3 looks amazing. The lighting effects are 2nd to NONE! Some people don't like this game because it does not play like Call of Duty. Those people are idiots. Ok, so you can't look down the sights of your gun, that's ok, they come with laser pointers. It really is a great action packed game. No leveling up, no upgrading weapons. Just pure run and gun fun. Expand
  2. dpc
    Mar 17, 2013
    I'm loving this. Makes me feel like I did when I played the original way back when. The negative reviews are asinine from spoiled brats whoI'm loving this. Makes me feel like I did when I played the original way back when. The negative reviews are asinine from spoiled brats who expect the galaxy when they're already given the moon. The HD upgrade is excellent. The sound is spectacular. The graphics are very good yes, they show they're age, but they were outstanding when Doom 3 was released and they're just as good now. It's Doom. Isn't that what we wanted? Maybe the negative critics were expecting a 2012 overhaul to be more like Call of Duty. This simple, faithful game play is absolutely addicting, scary and beyond fun just like Doom 1 and 2. You won't be disappointed. Unless you have a giant pole up your butt. Expand
  3. Oct 17, 2012
    These negative reviews are whats poor here not the game itself. I personally have purchased and own a copy of Doom BFG edition(because I doubtThese negative reviews are whats poor here not the game itself. I personally have purchased and own a copy of Doom BFG edition(because I doubt the ones who have negatively reviewed it even own it) Now to the review. This game is well worth your time and money especially if you don't own previous versions of doom and only own a console. Personally I own a console and this was a perfect way to get my doom on. 40 dollars for Doom 3 and two expansions, doom and doom 2 with everything and multiplayer and trophies included with all of them? WHAT MORE WILL IT TAKE TO PLEASE YOU JADED **** Its cheap and you sure as hell get more than enough content provided! Not only that but they also bumped up the frame rate to a smooth 60 fps from a weak 20 fps but they also created a new expansion pack for a 8 year old game! I think it was very generous of them to release this for the PS3 and I thank them for letting me replay these games for only 40 dollars. Its well worth the money and notice how I am reviewing the PS3 copy, so I already understand that it was pretty useless for them to release it for PC. The controls are good, the game runs smoothly I have not run into problems, and it is insanely fun even to this day. The only issues you will encounter is the multiplayer hiccups a tad and not many people play the old doom games online sadly. Which speaking of the old doom games the biggest draw back and hopefully this will be patched is in order to switch from old doom back to main menu you have to shut down the entire game, but by now most of us are used to that because of games like God of war hd collection and jak and daxter hd and so on. All in all you love ID games? You love Doom? Support this release, let them know we are ready for Doom 4! Expand
  4. Oct 24, 2012
    About the reviewer: I'm 30 years old and grew up with PCs and consoles of all sorts, starting with the Coleco Vision in 1983. I loveAbout the reviewer: I'm 30 years old and grew up with PCs and consoles of all sorts, starting with the Coleco Vision in 1983. I love emulators as they take me back, but you'll never see me playing a classic NES game for more than an hour at a time. I'll admit I've been spoiled by the latest developments in gaming technology, but I still respect older games for the nostalgic value. In summary, I'm not a self-entitled brat and I am capable of reviewing games in the context of the time they were released.

    Onto the review: Doom 3 BFG edition is getting a lot of scathing reviews and I've noticed that many of these reviews contain false information. If you dislike a game, ok, but don't make up false info to support your whine-fest.

    I played Doom 3 on a very beefy PC when it came out. I loved every second of it. I'm a huge horror fan and it takes a LOT to scare me... but doom 3 knew what scared me. Though I was aware of the shortcomings in gameplay (repetitive combat, monster closets, etc), I still thought it was a masterpiece and a milestone in gaming technology. So how does it hold up today? PRETTY DARN WELL.

    It's no secret that this 8 year old game is showing its age in the graphics department, but it still looks good. Damn good. Doom 3 is all about lighting and a creepy atmosphere and I was blown away at how much this game still made me jump when I played the BFG edition. If mindless shooting and sudden jump scares are your bag, this game WILL deliver.

    In regards to this new edition, I will attempt to document the changes and honestly as I possibly can:

    Graphics: YES, the textures have been beefed up, regardless of what a lot of brats on here are saying. They are sharper, clearer, and some detail has been added (pock marks for skin, facial hair, etc). The character models, however, haven't been touched. No matter, they still look decent. Just don't expect "Crysis". Let's face it, the character models weren't exactly mind-blowing when Doom 3 was released in 2004, but again, this is a game about lighting and atmosphere. While I'm talking about lighting, it must be mentioned that the game's look has been brightened somewhat, which is a double-edged sword. Lights are now more vibrant both in brightness and color vividness. When lights shine, they shine beautifully, but they shine almost a bit too much. This game is supposed to be dark. Brightening the environments has inadvertently taken away some of the fear element, but it wasn't a big deal. It's also worth mentioning that the game DOES in fact run at a beautiful 60 frames per second (I understand Bethesda and ID had announced that they were having a hard time achieving this on the PS3. Evidently, that's been remedied). I did notice a small amount of screen tearing at various points, but these occurrences were few and far between. In regards to shadowing, it's all intact save for the flashlight effect (which is now a part of your armor, meaning you can shoot and light at the same time. For those who have never played Doom 3, you previously had to swap between your flashlight or weapon depending on the situation). Flashlights no longer cast shadows via obstructing objects. Not sure why they removed this, but I didn't even notice it until about halfway through the game so no big loss.

    Sound: I keep hearing a ton of reports saying that many of the sound effects are missing. FALSE. I counted ONE instance of a missing sound, and I'm glad they removed it. There were only so many times I could hear the words "VIDEO LINK UP REQUESTED! VIDEO LINK UP REQUESTED!". Overall, the game sounds great in 5.1, though many of the sound effects have been mixed down a bit so they're not so jarring. Again, this is a double-edged sword. It's an easier game to listen to now but some of the impact is gone, though I must admit to always feeling the sound effects were too loud in the original release.

    Save feature: This one is a bit annoying. The game advertised a new checkpoint system. What we actually get is an occasional auto-save that takes much longer than it should (10-15 seconds actually). Manually saving your game takes the same amount of time and requires you to go into the menu. Not sure why this couldn't be improved. Even the old Xbox port of this game had a quicksave button...

    Package: Doom 1, 2, 3, 3's expansion, and an extra small campaign. That's a lot of playing time. This really is a full package and if you're a Doom 3 fan, you'll have an orgasm. If you aren't a Doom 3 fan, what right do you have reviewing a special edition of a game you don't like in the first place? Bugger off. Summary: I reviewed this game without comparing it to shooters of today, which is how it should be reviewed. That said, Doom 3 DOES still hold up. I was 100% honest about everything documented and had no intention of misleading you. If Doom 3 isn't for you, fine. Go back and review the original release.
  5. Nov 11, 2012
    I really enjoyed playing the 2 original versions on this game as i knew i would but was a bit disappointed with the clunky 3rd version ofI really enjoyed playing the 2 original versions on this game as i knew i would but was a bit disappointed with the clunky 3rd version of doom. the game was fun and deserves a 7 on the first 2 games alone. if it was just the new version on the disc i would rate this 3 out of 10 which is a shame as i was really excited about a new doom. Expand
  6. Oct 28, 2012
    Do you love Doom? If the answer is "yes", then Doom 3 BFG edition is a no-brainer. This package contains the original Doom, Doom 2 and Doom 3.Do you love Doom? If the answer is "yes", then Doom 3 BFG edition is a no-brainer. This package contains the original Doom, Doom 2 and Doom 3. The first two Doom games are bonafide classics. Sticking to the formula it invented, the original Doom titles stick you in a series of ever increasing mazes with more cannon-fodder than you can shake a chaingun at. Utterly timeless, they are as much fun to play today as they were upon their initial release. What's more, this package lets you play them on the couch! Doom 3 is also pretty fun. Because it's much more complex, the game's antiquated FPS style is a bit more jarring than the first two titles and lacks their immediate retro charm. That said, if you can get past the last-generation mechanics (which I could), Doom 3 makes for an atmospheric corridor shooter. A lot is made of this package's lack of extras and whatnot. Personally speaking, I don't care about that. I'm just super happy to be able to play Doom 1 & 2 on my sofa and I never actually got around to playing Doom 3 when it was new, so I'm chuffed to finally get the opportunity. Doom 3 BFG edition is recommended heartily to every game-fan that doesn't already have (multiple) copies of the originals. Expand
  7. Jan 2, 2013
    I'm a fan of Quake, DOOM, id Software and FPS Arena games. The game is very good. Why this score? Because Bethesda took it and dumbed it down.I'm a fan of Quake, DOOM, id Software and FPS Arena games. The game is very good. Why this score? Because Bethesda took it and dumbed it down. They re-proposed the same game which was released in 2004 and raised its price. Stop. They promised to make it HD, but there's not any big graphics change. This game isn't worth its price. It's just Doom 3. Even if they made graphics very much better, why raising the price so much? And remember that in the original Doom 3, there are many mods that make it even look better than Doom 3 BFG Edition! It's just the same game, with an expansion! Same thing with Quake Live. It's free, but it's full of publicity of Bethesda games, and it's not open anymore. Damn. As innovation, I'd rate this game a 0/10. As a flop, I'd rate it a 10/10. BUY THE ORIGINAL DOOM 1/2/3! Expand

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