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I’ve heard this question come up a few times in C++ programming circles, “Why is ++i faster/better than i++?”

The short answer is: i++ has to make a copy of the object and ++i does not. The long answer involves some code examples.

int i = 1; int j = i++; 
// j is equal to 1, because i is incremented after the value is returned,                
// which means a copy was made of the old value 
int k = ++i; 
// k is equal to 3, because i is incremented, then returned. No copy is needed

Or a more robust example of the operator overloads:

class integer { 
    integer(int t_value)     
      : m_value(t_value)   
    {   }    
    int get_value() { return m_value; }    
    integer &operator++() // pre increment operator   
      return *this;   
    integer operator++(int) // post increment operator   
      integer old = *this; // a copy is made, it's cheap, but it's still a copy     
      return old; // Return old copy   
    int m_value;

You might ask, “why cannot the C++ compiler optimize away the copy of you don’t use it?”


int i=1; 
++i; //why is this 
i++; //faster than this if I'm not using the copied returned value?

It’s possible that the compiler may optimize away the copy for you, but it’s also possible that your post-increment operator overload has other side effects that the compiler cannot optimize for without changing the meaning of your code. On a side note, it’s rare that you literally want to increment and return the old value, so ++i is often more semantically correct than i++, besides being more efficient.