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Download installable base live images (x86)

PLEASE NOTE: To install the desktop environment, DON’T choose “install from network” choose the local install. VERY IMPORTANT!

Currently there are installable live images for the x86 and x86_64 architectures and there is support to make a local installation (with the included packages) or a network installation (packages are downloaded from official repository).

All live images and rootfs tarballs are available at:

The x86_64 images have these requirements:

The i686 images have these requirements:

Log in as anon/root, password voidlinux.

To start the installer just execute the void-installer utility with enough permissions (i.e sudo).

Additional live images with flavours (an additional Desktop Environment with autologin) are also available:

These images need at least 256 or 512 MB of RAM in order to work correctly.

Download ready to boot images for ARM

Install Void by using a prepared image or a rootfs tarbal that can be written/unpacked onto the SD card. This method allows you to have a system ready to boot / use, once it’s written / unpacked onto the target device.

The images are prepared for 2GB SD cards, alternatively use the rootfs tarball if you want to customize the partitions and filesystems.

The list of supported platforms currently is:

Connect to it in virtual terminal or via ssh and log in as root, password voidlinux.

Verifying file integrity and its digital signature

The sha256sums.txt file contains the SHA256 hashes to verify the integrity of the downloaded files; this file is digitally signed with a gpg key.

Images prior to 2017-10-07 were signed with Juan RP’s key:

His public key is available at http://repo.voidlinux.eu/live/xtraeme.asc or in any known PGP key server. Follow these steps to verify the integrity and its digital signature:

Images after 2017-10-07 are signed with a dedicated Void Images key.

This key is available at http://repo.voidlinux.eu/live/current/void_images.asc or in most known PGP key servers. Follow these steps to verify the integrity and signature.

$ gpg --recv-keys <KEY_ID>
$ wget http://repo.voidlinux.eu/live/current/sha256sums.txt{,.sig}
$ LANG=C gpg --verify sha256sums.txt.sig
gpg: Signature made Sun Feb  8 12:33:05 2015 CET using RSA key ID 482F9368
gpg: Good signature from "Juan RP <xtraeme@gmail.com>" [unknown]
gpg:                 aka "[jpeg image of size 3503]" [unknown]

The important line in the output above is “Good signature from […]”. Make sure that you have this line and that the “from” field matches what you expect.

Now that the signature has been verified, you should check the sha256 hash is valid for the file you’ve downloaded… use the sha256sum utility and compare it with what’s stored in the sha256sums.txt file:

$ LANG=C sha256sum -c sha256sums.txt 2>/dev/null|grep void-beaglebone-latest.img.xz
void-beaglebone-latest.img.xz: OK

If the above command does not return OK, the downloaded file is corrupt or has been modified. Don’t use it.


Void Linux maintains mirrors in several geographic regions for you to use. In normal use your traffic will be routed to the nearest mirror to you based on your IP Address. If you would like to directly use a particular mirror you can set this manually. This can also be handy if you are on a different continent than the primary mirror, or if you are not on the same continent as any officially managed mirrors.

Our mirrors are separated into two categories. Tier 1 mirrors sync directly from the build-master and will always have the latest packages available. These repositories are maintained by the Void Linux Infrastructure Team. In rare occasions we may permit a mirror that we don’t manage to sync directly from our primary servers if there are extenuating circumstances. Tier 2 mirrors sync from a nearby tier 1 mirror when possible, but there is no guarantee of a mirror being nearby. These mirrors are not managed by Void nor do they have any specific guarantees for staleness or completeness of packages. Tier 2 mirrors are free to sync only specific architectures and exclude sub-repositories (nonfree/multilib).

To change your mirrors to use a different set, you must create files in /etc/xbps.d with the same names as those in /usr/share/xbps.d. Once you have created such files, replace http://repo.voidlinux.eu/ with one of the servers below. If you wish to change this for all four repos on a 64-bit host you will need to edit 4 files. Only the files containing ‘repository’ in the filename need to be duplicated to /etc/xbps.d/.

Tier 1 Mirrors

Tier 2 Mirrors

If you are operating a Tier 2 mirror and would like to be on this list, please either file a pull request or reach out to maldridge[at]voidlinux.eu.