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Janet Reno, who is expected to be sworn in on Friday as the nation's first female Attorney General, said today that one of her first tasks would be to rule on the future of William S. Sessions, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

"When I take office, this will be one of my first priorities in terms of looking at all the reports and making the best judgment I can based on all the information available," Ms. Reno said today after visiting with President Clinton at the White House.

Ms. Reno, 54, who has been chief prosecutor of Dade County, Fla., for 15 years, would not disclose her opinion about Mr. Session, who has been fighting to keep his job since former Attorney General William P. Barr made public a report that accused the Director of using Government services for personal use. Decision Awaits Review

The F.B.I. Director can be removed only by the President, who must report to Congress on the reason for such a move. No Director of the bureau has ever been dismissed.

Mr. Clinton has said he will delay a decision until the matter can be reviewed by his new Attorney General.

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Ms. Reno's nomination was formally approved by the full Senate on a 98-to-0 vote today, as her smooth confirmation process was capped by a round of applause in the Senate chamber.

"I would submit that President Clinton -- albeit not the first time at bat -- has hit a home run," said Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Delaware Democrat who is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. A White House Meeting

Hours later Ms. Reno, who has been working out of an office in the Old Executive Office Building next door to the White House, strolled over to meet with the President and Senator Biden.

The White House planned a swearing-in ceremony Friday in the Roosevelt Room at the White House. She will replace Acting Attorney General Stuart M. Gerson, a holdover appointee from the Bush Administration. Ms. Reno said he resigned today.

"The first agenda item is to build a Department of Justice, to bring on the best possible people to create a team that reflects America, that represents the best in their various areas, and move forward with that department," Ms. Reno told reporters as she emerged with Mr. Biden from her meeting with the President.

She will find a full plate when she arrives at her offices on Constitution Avenue. The Justice Department is involved in several high-profile operations, including the standoff in Waco, Tex., with members of a religious cult, and the investigation into the bombing at the World Trade Center.

Ms. Reno also said the slaying of Dr. David Gunn, who was shot outside an abortion clinic in Pensacola, Fla., on Wednesday, was a "horrible and tragic crime," and added, "We want to do everything we can to pursue an appropriate Federal response."

She said it is "an extraordinary experience" to be selected and confirmed as the first woman to serve as Attorney General, and added, "I hope I do the women of America proud." -------------------- N.R.A. Lobbyist Quits

WASHINGTON, March 11 (AP) -- A lobbyist for the National Rifle Association has resigned after acknowledging last week that he had spread unsubstantiated rumors that the police had stopped Ms. Reno several times on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol.

The resignation by the lobbyist, David Gibbons, who had served for a little more than a year as the rifle association's director of Federal affairs, was made public today by Jim Baker, the organization's chief lobbyist.

Mr. Gibbons acknowledged last week that he had reported the rumors about Ms. Reno to Senate Republican aides, and Mr. Baker said today that Mr. Gibbons had also spoken to Roll Call, the Capitol Hill newspaper that disclosed the rumors last week.

Mr. Baker said the rifle association, which opposes gun-control legislation favored by Ms. Reno, had apologized to Senator Biden, who told Ms. Reno at her confirmation hearing on Wednesday, "We found no foundation for any of the accusations that were made against you."

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