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1. high-efficiency particulate air
2. high-efficiency particulate arresting
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This current Practice Alert reviews 3 additional updates: 1) a new hepatitis B (HepB) vaccine; 2) updated recommendations for the use of hepatitis A (HepA) vaccine for post-exposure prevention and before travel; and 3) inclusion of the homeless among those who should be routinely vaccinated with HepA vaccine.
Detectable antibodies persist for at least 20 years after HepA vaccination in childhood (9), and antibodies persist for an estimated 40 years or longer based on mathematical modeling and anti-HAV kinetic studies (9).
In early October, OSHA agreed to allow the use of industrial sweepers not equipped with HEPA filters, as long as the employer follows other applicable requirements in the standard (e.g., the hierarchy of controls to reduce and maintain exposures below the permissible exposure limit) and maintains the equipment in accordance with manufacturer recommendations.
Hepa, an incoming freshman for the Texas Longhorns, made the final cut that was announced early Wednesday morning.
In a report by Rivals.com, Hepa shared that he believes he could be a huge help for the Texas basketball program as he walks the same path previously trekked by NBA stars like Kevin Durant and LaMarcus Aldridge.
AESG director, Saeed Al Abbar, said the in-house HEPA filter competency supports the company's portfolio of developments.
09 January 2017 - Sweden-based power products manufacturer Husqvarna Group's construction division has entered into an agreement to acquire Sweden-based HEPA dust extractor company Pullman Ermator AB in a transaction expected to finalise in mid-January 2017, the company said.
In the 1940s, the first HEPA filter was developed mainly for military gas mask filters and for protection against radionuclides in the nuclear industry but after that, it was designed to get rid of airborne bacterial and viral organisms which lead to infection.
ASHRAE Standard 52.2, Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size defines MERV 1 through 16, while MERV 17 through 20 (HEPA and ULPA filters) is in the purview of IEST Recommended Practices IEST-RP-CC001.5 and IEST-RP-CC034.3 (Table 2).
It features a superior composition and mechanical strength that give unique performance characteristics to HEPA and ULPA filtration, unmatched by any other air filtration media currently available on the market.
The company recently announced the North American release of its line of HydroShield[TM] depth-loading membrane HEPA (EPA)-class filtration systems for gas turbines.