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Web Development

what is web development ? Web development is the work involved in developing a Web site for the Internet or an intranet.

Web development can range from developing a simple single static page of plain text to complex web applications, electronic businesses, and social network services.

This blog will teach you about how to create a website. This is beginner Friendly. I hope this blog post will helpful for you.

  • What is exactly website development ?
  • Website development layers and languages.
  • Technologies in web development.
  • Website development platforms.
  • Website development tools.
  • Scope in the future.
web development

What is exactly Website Development :

Web design, web content creation, client-side/server-side scripting, and network security configuration are all part of the web development process.

In the Web Development process developers develop web pages and intranet software, a private network or the internet.

Web development does not necessarily concentrate on the design of a website.

Rather, the programming and coding part is primarily concerned, which is the main reason the website works.

It refers to web pages, including web design, web programming, web publishing, and data base management bits and elements.

Most web developers use Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and JavaScript to develop websites.

We develop everything from basic and simple websites to complex web-based applications and social media platforms and from many online shopping websites to CMS systems.

Website development layers and languages

There are three types of layers in web development –

  1. Frontend development
  2. Backend development
  3. Full Stack development

1.Frontend Web Development

Using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, this type of Web development assists in the conversion of data and information into a graphical user interface.

Frontend Development is the front side of the website.

For example, as a user, you see and interact with the website’s frontend via your browser.

It consists of everything you can see and feel directly, such as colors, text, pictures, buttons, and so on.

HTML CSS and JavaScript are used in frontend web development..

You can design your website in your own style using HTML , CSS and Java Script .

  • HTML-Hyper Text Markup Language
    • HTML is a structure of your website . It is use to make structure of website.
    • HTML is Body of Website.
    • HTML is basically a standard markup language for giving a static skeleton to websites.
    • Its a well-standardized system.

  • CSS – Cascade Style Sheet
    • CSS stands for Cascade Style Sheets.
    • Its a Style Sheet .
    • It is used to handle the presentation of the web page containing HTML.
    • It is makes our website beautiful and modern looking.
    • used to make web pages responsive.

  • JS – Java Script
    • Its Brain of website.
    • A High level dynamic interpreted programming language.
    • It allows client-side scripting to create completely dynamic websites.
    • J.S used to make web pages live.
    • Java Script can execute not only in browser , but also on the server.
    • we can use java script in backend development also.

2.Backend Web Development

Backend Development is the back side of website. The section of every web page that users don’t or can’t see is known as the backend.

Through sending and receiving data that is shown live on the website, the backend section communicates with the frontend portion of the web page.

When users enter data, fill out forms, or make a purchase, the browser sends that request to the backend (the server-side), which returns the data as frontend code for the web page to comprehend, interpret, and make visible to you.

It is not visible to users, but it is responsible for the website’s functionality.

It helps developers to store and organize data, as well as ensure that anything accessible on the frontend or client-side works properly.

There are so many languages for backend . Like PHP , Node JS , Python Django , Flask etc.

3. Full Stack development

Combined development of the front and backend of a web page is the full-stack development.

It includes graphics and website design development as well as management of data databases for the organization and storage of data.

Technologies in website development :

Every web developer should know about web developments with a wide range of rules and techniques.

You need to know and understand the technology used in Website development in order to learn in depth web development.

Below are some of the most common Web Development technologies that every Web Developer should learn :

  • Browsers
  • HTML and CSS
  • Website development frameworks
  • Programming Languages
  • Databases
  • API
  • Protocols
  • Frontend and backend
  • Data formats
  • servers and clients

Web development platforms :

Small businesses and individuals can start up their website without hiring a developer via website development platforms for building websites.

People are now also constructing their own websites to share information or personal experiences with others.

Some of the most popular platforms for website development include:

  • WordPress
  • Wix
  • Shopify
  • Weebly


WordPress is the most effective website development platform. It is a free website that provides a variety of web hosting options.

The programming language contains 62 different, so that people can understand it easily and use it.

Furthermore, it provides a variety of customization options, templates, and other features that allow users to create customized web pages using this platform.


Wix is another fantastic and widely used web-building tool. It is a popular cloud-based website builder.

It enables you to select from a variety of features and layouts also available on the website with a few mouse clicks.

Wix is an easy-to-use and self-explanatory platform that allows you to create a blog as well as online shopping stores.

Wix provides access to hundreds of templates, each of which is fully editable using their simple drag-and-drop site builder.

In Wix, you can also start from scratch by selecting a blank template.

You can also choose the Wix premium plan based on your needs if necessary.

Shopify –

It is another popular platform for the development of a website for eCommerce and e-Shops.

It is also a popular website. Do not worry about the installation of updates, software management or backups since Shopify is a fully host solution for everyone.

Shopify Payments now has an integrated payment solution. In addition, third-party payment gates may be added to accept payments.

Shopify offers an infinite number of products, robust inventory management, easy marketing solutions, powerful statistics, and hundreds of design choices, all without the need for a code add-on.

Weebly –

Weebly is one of the most user-friendly web development sites.

It includes a drag-and-drop feature that helps users to create a well-designed web page.

It also has an app store that allows users to quickly add and upgrade new features to their web sites. Even after you’ve released your website,

Weebly’s quality collection of over 50 industry-tailored templates allows you to change your mind.

This aspect is appealing to us because one does not have to adhere to a single template for the rest of one’s life.

It, like Wix, assists in the efficient movement of elements and the addition of various features to the website as required.

Website development tools –

Web Developers can use a variety of tools to create functional websites quickly and easily.

They can use these tools to build well-functioning websites with user-friendly interfaces.

The following are some of the most frequently used Web Development tools :

  • NPM
  • TypeScript
  • Angular JS
  • JQuery
  • Sublime Text
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Chrome development Tools
  • GitHub
  • Sketch
  • HTML5 Boilerplate

Scope in the future :

With technologies like Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Science, and others being more prevalent in terms of need and application, they will greatly assist in the field of Web Development, thus expanding Web Developer opportunities.

Web Developers will still be in demand, regardless of potential shifts in specifications.

Web development is one of the most stable and promising careers are available with a wide variety of job opportunities now.

In this article , you heard about What is Web Development ? and all the criteria for building a web page in this blog.


You also heard about the different styles and layers of web creation. Hence , we hope this article was helpful for you.

What is Web Development ?

Web design, web content creation, client-side/server-side scripting, and network security configuration are all part of the web development process. In the Web Development process developers develop web pages and intranet software, a private network or the internet.

Which Technologies used in Web Development ?

Every web developer should know about web developments with a wide range of rules and techniques.

You need to know and understand the technology used in Website development in order to learn in depth web development.

Below are some of the most common Web Development technologies that every Web Developer should learn :

  • 1.Browsers
  • 2.HTML and CSS
  • 3.Website development frameworks
  • 4.Programming Languages
  • 5.Databases
  • 6.API
  • 7.Protocols
  • 8.Frontend and backend
  • 9.Data formats
  • 10.servers and clients

Which Platforms are best for web development ?

Small businesses and individuals can start up their website without hiring a developer via website development platforms for building websites.

People are now also constructing their own websites to share information or personal experiences with others.

Some of the most popular platforms for website development include:

  • WordPress
  • Wix
  • Shopify
  • Weebly

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