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International Boys Day is about dedicating May 16 to focus on boys and their wellbeing. This includes the things they need in order to be happy, healthy and valued in their family and community.

It is also a day to spend special time with your son(s) and grandsons doing things they love.

We have included some simple suggestions on the ‘Things to Do’ page to help get you started. We also encourage your boys to suggest fun activities they love to do.

Give them a card or letter of your appreciation for them being in your life.

Be a leader for sons, grandsons, and boys in your family and community, as together we help make the world a better place for all.

Feel free to you to download the copies of the International Boys Day logo and poster to create your events. The logo is yours to use as are the other resources on the website.  Lets work together to help our boys.

Every boy should grow up to become a man of honour and integrity and be able to contribute in a vital way to his family, his community, his nation and be able to make the world a better place for boys and girls everywhere.