Frequently Asked Questions - Kicksecure FAQ

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Kicksecure is software designed to preserve security online. It can be installed on computer hardware. It is an operating system.

To learn more about the design and intended user groups, refer to the Overview and About.

How does Kicksecure work?[edit]

To protect a user's security on the Internet numerous security are deployed. See also Overview and About.

What are the Advantages of Kicksecure?[edit]

Kicksecure realistically addresses common attack vectors.

Kicksecure deploys numerous security to mitigate such attacks.

How is Kicksecure different from others?[edit]

Kicksecure protects you from viruses.

Kicksecure is a complete operating system (OS). A web browser, office suite, and more come pre-configured with security in mind.

Who Develops Kicksecure?[edit]

Kicksecure is being developed by an independent team of contributors committed to computer security.


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