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Your search for images, matching 'Marchlyn Mawr' , returns 78 images:
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SH6161 : Llyn Marchlyn Mawr from Bwlch y Marchlyn col by Eric Jones Llyn Marchlyn Mawr from Bwlch y Marchlyn col by Eric Jones
geograph for square SH6161
Category: Reservoir
Grand though it may look in the sunshine of an April morning, the new reservoir can never replace the old Llyn Marchlyn Mawr, a jewel nestling beneath the crags of Cwm... (more)
SH6161 : Marchlyn Mawr Reservoir by Terry Hughes Marchlyn Mawr Reservoir by Terry Hughes
geograph for square SH6161
Category: Reservoir
Marchlyn Mawr reservoir at the base of Elidir Fawr taken from Bwlch y Marchlyn looking in a northwesterly direction. This along with Llyn Peris, the lower reservoir, form... (more)
SH6161 : Marchlyn Mawr Reservoir from the slopes of Elidir Fawr by Eric Jones Marchlyn Mawr Reservoir from the slopes of Elidir Fawr by Eric Jones
geograph for square SH6161
Tags: [top:Energy infrastructure] [top:Lakes, Wetland, Bog] [top:Rocks, Scree, Cliffs] [top:Uplands] [type:Geograph]
The two mountains on the other side of the lake are Y Fronllwyd and Carnedd y Filiast, Marchlyn Mawr is the upper reservoir of the Dinorwig HEP Pump Storage Scheme.
SH6162 : Marchlyn Mawr Reservoir from the summit plateau of Elidir Fach by Eric Jones Marchlyn Mawr Reservoir from the summit plateau of Elidir Fach by Eric Jones
for square SH6162
Tags: [top:Energy infrastructure] [top:Lakes, Wetland, Bog] [top:Uplands]
The Marchlyn Mawr Reservoir is the upper lake of the Dinorwig Pump Storage Scheme
SH6162 : Llyn Marchlyn Mawr by Philip Halling Llyn Marchlyn Mawr by Philip Halling
for square SH6162
Category: Dam
Llyn Marchlyn Mawr viewed from the slopes of Mynydd Perfedd
SH6162 : Footbridge over Afon Marchlyn Mawr by Eric Jones Footbridge over Afon Marchlyn Mawr by Eric Jones
geograph for square SH6162
Category: Footbridge
Afon Marchlyn Mawr now encased in concrete.
SH6063 : Afon Marchlyn Mawr by Eric Jones Afon Marchlyn Mawr by Eric Jones
geograph for square SH6063
Category: Stream
This stream used to flow directly from Llyn Marchlyn Mawr before that was dammed for hydro-electric power production. Its source is now a concrete tunnel a hundred... (more)
SH6162 : Cwm Marchlyn from the slopes of Elidir Fawr by Eric Jones Cwm Marchlyn from the slopes of Elidir Fawr by Eric Jones
for square SH6162
Tags: [top:Lakes, Wetland, Bog] [top:Moorland] [top:Quarrying, Mining] [top:Uplands] [top:Water resources] [type:Cross Grid]
The two reservoirs - Marchlyn Mawr and Marchlyn Bach - are visible in the lower half of the image. Elidir Fawr casts a deep shadow over both lakes. The mountain on the... (more)
SH6161 : Bwlch Marchlyn and Elidir Fawr from Bwlch y Brecan by Eric Jones Bwlch Marchlyn and Elidir Fawr from Bwlch y Brecan by Eric Jones
for square SH6161
Tags: [top:Rocks, Scree, Cliffs] [top:Uplands] [type:Cross Grid]
Craig Cwragl drops steeply on the north side of Bwlch Marchlyn to form the back wall of the Marchlyn Mawr reservoir.
SH6161 : Marchlyn Mawr from Bwlch y Marchlyn by Espresso Addict Marchlyn Mawr from Bwlch y Marchlyn by Espresso Addict
geograph for square SH6161
Category: Reservoir
View across the reservoir from the crags of the Bwlch y Marchlyn ridge between Mynydd Perfedd and Elidir Fawr
SH5963 : Spoil tips and Marchlyn road by Jonathan Wilkins Spoil tips and Marchlyn road by Jonathan Wilkins
geograph for square SH5963
Tags: [top:Derelict, Disused] [top:Moorland] [top:Quarrying, Mining] [top:Roads, Road transport] [top:Uplands] [type:Geograph] [subject:tip]
Extensive spoil tips look down over the access road to Marchlyn Mawr reservoir. The hills and upland terrain here are surprisingly subdued, although much higher ground is... (more)
SH6161 : Reduced visibility over Marchlyn Mawr by Eric Jones Reduced visibility over Marchlyn Mawr by Eric Jones
geograph for square SH6161
Tags: [top:Air, Sky, Weather] [top:Lakes, Wetland, Bog] [top:Uplands] [type:Geograph]
It was a day of low cloud. This image was taken from Bwlch Marchlyn between Elidir Fawr and Mynydd Perfedd.
SH6062 : Llyn Marchlyn Bach by Eric Jones Llyn Marchlyn Bach by Eric Jones
geograph for square SH6062
Tags: [top:Lakes, Wetland, Bog] [top:Uplands] [type:Geograph] [subject:reservoir]
This extended corrie lake lies below the Marchlyn Mawr dam. The image was taken from the lower slopes of Elidir Bach on a blustery day. The lake provides domestic water... (more)
SH6062 : Roadways at Marchlyn Quarry by Eric Jones Roadways at Marchlyn Quarry by Eric Jones
geograph for square SH6062
Tags: [top:Quarrying, Mining] [top:Roads, Road transport] [top:Uplands]
The tarred road in the centre ground leads to the Marchlyn Mawr Reservoir, the upper lake of the Dinorwig Pump Storage HEP scheme.
SH6162 : Afon Marchlyn Mawr emerges into day-light by Eric Jones Afon Marchlyn Mawr emerges into day-light by Eric Jones
geograph for square SH6162
Category: Stream
Despite what the OS purports to show, the valley of Afon Marchlyn above this point is as dry as an Omani wadi.

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