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Artscroll: Aryeh Kaplan Anthology Volume I by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan

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In this volume published by the OU and NCSY, Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan asks hard questions about Judaism and its commandments, and he gives compelling answers that have broadened the horizons of countless people. Included in this Maimonides' Principles This popular edition of the 13 Principles of Jewish Faith represents a summarized version of the original work which appears in Maimonides in presenting these fundamentals-to open the doors of the storehouse of Torah living and learning and to provide a keener understanding of the basic principles of Jewish responsibility to both the schooled and the unschooled alike. The Real Messiah Missionaries are spending untold sums in an effort to convert young Jews. What is the Jewish response? Why do Jews reject Jesus as the Messiah? What is a "messiah"? What will he accomplish? What does the Bible really say? What does a "savior" and "being saved" really mean? Why do we believe that missionary claims are built on mistranslations, misquotes, inaccuracies and Biblical passages taken out of context? In this penetrating analysis, Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan uses actual missionary materials to refute missionary claims, and offers the traditional Jewish view of Christianity. If You Were God Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan had the unique ability to gaze behind the Godly curtain and reveal Torah truths which until now were reserved for scholars and rabbis. In this profound and moving book, he has again taken us beyond simple and superficial concepts. Here he delves deeply into the mysteries of the soul, the world and its purpose. In a non-technical language, he opens our eyes, excites our minds, engages our imagination and reaches deep into our hearts with a message that must compel us to think, act and react. This is an important book which takes us beyond the world of the superficial and mundane to a new world, a world in which the light of God will bring new meaning and purpose to our lives. The Infinite Light Searching for meaning is ultimately striving for God. This book was conceived as an atlas to aid the searching Jew in mapping his personal journey in the quest for the ultimate meaning of human existence, the knowledge of God. Rabbi Kaplan draws from the entire spectrum of our tradition to present an understanding of God, His Torah, and of man's duty to observe the truths embodied in it.

333 pages, Hardcover

First published August 1, 1991

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About the author

Aryeh Kaplan

75 books101 followers
Born in New York City.
Rabbi and Physicist.

Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan ZT"L was a world-well-known author. In his short lifetime he wrote over over 50 books. He was born in the Bronx, New York City, and studied to the local Yeshiva. He later continued his training at different Yeshivot in Israel. As a graduate student, Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan was described in a scientific "Who's Who" as the most promising young physicist in America. When he decided to devote his overflowing heart and massive intellect to the writing and teaching of traditional Torah values, the Jewish people gained a prolific and brilliant expositor with the uncommon gift of analyzing and presenting the most complex ideas in accessible terms. And when he passed away suddenly at the age of 48 with decades of productive activity still ahead of him, Jewry lost a priceless, irreplaceable treasure.

Aryeh Kaplan left a legacy of the thousands of people whom he touched and elevated, and of the scores of books and papers that flowed from his pen. "The Aryeh Kaplan Reader" is a collection of his essays reflecting the broad range of his interest and genius. From biography to Kabbalah, from contemporary movements to cosmic speculation, Aryeh Kaplan was at home. His writing is original and incisive. But most of all, it is always clear and to the point. Every appetite for Jewish themes will be whetted and satisfied by this book. True, to read this collection is to feel a keen sense of loss at the premature passing of a bright star in the Jewish literary firmament. But it is an intensely satisfying experience as well, because this book is crammed with substance and enlightenment. We put it down enriched by the intellectual company of Aryeh Kaplan, and grateful for this "gift he left behind. He died in 1983 at the young age of 48 years. May his memory be for a blessing.

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Profile Image for Pablo S..
19 reviews
August 31, 2023
Leídos únicamente los ensayos respecto a la negativa judía al mesianismo cristiano, estos no muestran más que un conocimiento bastante superficial, ya no sólo te la teología cristiana, en particular católica, sino del propio catecismo. Hay momentos en los que Kaplan parece referirse únicamente a determinadas formas de protestantismo, quizás por su proximidad, pero obvia la que es, evidentemente, la línea cristiana más influyente, que es el catolicismo romano. Decir, por ejemplo, que el cristianismo considera que se es salvado "únicamente por la fe" es precisamente una crítica propia del catolicismo a la sola fide luterana. Y así otros muchos puntos que le restan valor a los textos en los que pretende un "debate" con le cristianismo.

Quizás sea interesante para un judío que quiere ver su fe reafirmada, pero no para una persona con un mínimo rigor intelectual.

126 reviews3 followers
October 20, 2019
Review 1:
Did not resonate with me. No fault of the authors - his style just did not click....
Review 2:
Concepts still swirling in my head - plan to re- read ASAP
45 reviews3 followers
June 21, 2016
One of the most enlightening books on spirituality I have ever read. Although I grew up Jewish I am a newbie in reading about the spiritual practices of Judaism. This book planted many ideas which I had hither to not considered at least in the same depth such as the transcendence and immense of Ha Shem. One of the great things about the book is its melding of the spiritual and the profane showing that the material is the necessary fuel for our spiritual growth. Wonderful read and highly recommended.
Profile Image for Melanie .
14 reviews6 followers
June 3, 2013
The first and last sections were the best. I was really happy about the break down of Maimonides, as well as the the thoughts on Christianity. There was a LOT of repetition throughout, and particularly at the end, the book seemed aimed at a younger audience (I believe this is actually the intent). However, it was still wonderful and useful.
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 reviews

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