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develooper Front page | perl.perl5.porters | Postings from June 2020

Perl 5.30.3 is now available!

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Steve Hay via perl5-porters
June 1, 2020 19:25
Perl 5.30.3 is now available!
Message ID:
Trewsbury Mead [...] According to the Ordnance Survey, this is where the
Thames first rises 130 straight-line kilometres west of London.  Just to
the north is the site either of an Iron Age hill fort or a Roman
encampment, the exact nature of which is awaiting an episode of Time
Team.  Apparently there is a soggy field, a stone to mark the spot and a
chance, after a particularly wet winter, that you might see some water.

  -- Ben Aaronovitch, "Rivers of London"

We are pleased to announce version 30.3, the third maintenance release
of version 30 of Perl 5.

You will soon be able to download Perl 5.30.3 from your favourite CPAN
mirror or find it at:


SHA1 digests for this release are:

  a2ea64db5c3b0908dc73b929638564371b83220e  perl-5.30.3.tar.gz
  1003c6aa71d8966501038178459a9fa4e9aba747  perl-5.30.3.tar.xz

You can find a full list of changes in the file "perldelta.pod" located
in the "pod" directory inside the release and on the web.

Perl 5.30.3 represents approximately 3 months of development since Perl
5.30.2 and contains approximately 1,100 lines of changes across 42 files
from 7 authors.

Excluding auto-generated files, documentation and release tools, there
were approximately 350 lines of changes to 8 .pm, .t, .c and .h files.

Perl continues to flourish into its fourth decade thanks to a vibrant
community of users and developers.  The following people are known to
have contributed the improvements that became Perl 5.30.3:

Chris 'BinGOs' Williams, Hugo van der Sanden, John Lightsey, Karl
Williamson, Nicolas R., Sawyer X, Steve Hay.

The list above is almost certainly incomplete as it is automatically
generated from version control history.  In particular, it does not
include the names of the (very much appreciated) contributors who
reported issues to the Perl bug tracker.

Many of the changes included in this version originated in the CPAN
modules included in Perl's core.  We're grateful to the entire CPAN
community for helping Perl to flourish.

For a more complete list of all of Perl's historical contributors,
please see the AUTHORS file in the Perl source distribution.

The next major stable release of Perl 5, version 32.0, should appear in
June 2020, with version 34.0 released around the same time.

Steve Hay

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