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Abstract and Figures

Increased attention to global climate change in recent years has resulted in a wide array of maps and geovisualizations that forecast the anticipated consequences of climate change, including sea level rise in coastal areas. Since inundation from sea level rise is inherently geographic in nature, there is a need for effective cartographic representations at global, regional, and local scales that depict where the inundation is expected to occur as well as the magnitude of the projected inundation. The recent increase in production of maps and geovisualizations displaying the anticipated impacts of sea level rise calls attention to numerous cartographic issues that warrant consideration for such displays, including representation of various categories of uncertainty. Using examples from analyses of sea level rise at global, regional, and local scales, we provide a general framework of cartographic issues related to sea level rise as well as a collection of specific examples that demonstrate the challenges and limitations of sea level rise maps and geovisualizations. We draw our observations on the effectiveness and limitations of these displays through informal, qualitative feedback from scientists, educators, and other map users.
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John C. Kostelnick (1), Dave McDermott (2, 3, 4), Rex J. Rowley (2)
Department of Geography-Geology, Illinois State University, Normal, IL, U.S.A. 61790-4400.
Haskell Indian Nations University, Lawrence, KS, U.S.A. 66046.
Department of Geography, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, U.S.A. 66045.
Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, U.S.A. 66045.
Email: (Kostelnick); (McDermott); (Rowley)
Increased attention to global climate change in recent years has resulted in a wide array of maps
and geovisualizations that forecast the anticipated consequences of climate change, including sea
level rise in coastal areas. Since inundation from sea level rise is inherently geographic in nature,
there is a need for effective cartographic representations at global, regional, and local scales that
depict where the inundation is expected to occur as well as the magnitude of the projected
inundation. The recent increase in production of maps and geovisualizations displaying the
anticipated impacts of sea level rise calls attention to numerous cartographic issues that warrant
consideration for such displays, including representation of various categories of uncertainty.
Using examples from analyses of sea level rise at global, regional, and local scales, we provide a
general framework of cartographic issues related to sea level rise as well as a collection of
specific examples that demonstrate the challenges and limitations of sea level rise maps and
geovisualizations. We draw our observations on the effectiveness and limitations of these
displays through informal, qualitative feedback from scientists, educators, and other map users.
Global climate change is perhaps one of the more significant hazards confronting the global
society in the foreseeable future. The International Polar Year (IPY) has elevated climate change
as a major issue that has received significant exposure in the recent scientific literature as well as
the popular press. One potential consequence of global climate change is a gradual rise in sea
level due to the increased melting of snow and ice pack from the world’s temperate glaciers and
the major ice sheets, Greenland and Antarctica. According to one estimate, global sea level
would rise approximately 80 meters if the entirety of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets were
to melt (USGS 2000). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (IPCC 2007)
report released in 2007 provides an upper-level estimate of 26-59 cm of sea level rise across the
globe over the next century.
Cartographers and GIScientists have an important opportunity to contribute to the issue of global
climate change through the production of maps and geovisualizations that depict the predicted
consequences of sea level rise and may be used by scientists, policy makers, educators, and the
general public. Given the great influence that such maps and geovisualizations may have for
planning, public policy, education, and a range of other purposes, an important challenge to
cartographers is the development of displays that communicate the critical issues associated with
a forecasted event such as sea level rise in an effective, yet responsible manner. Despite the
abundance of maps and geovisualizations that depict sea level rise in both the popular press and
scientific literature, fewer studies have documented the specific cartographic issues that warrant
consideration for such maps and displays. Such issues include depicting various types of
uncertainty, displaying the temporal progression of sea level rise, and relating the geographic
extent of predicted inundated areas to their impact on the natural and built environments.
The objective of this paper is to propose a general categorization of important issues that should
be considered for maps and geovisualizations that display a speculative event such as sea level
rise, and to propose cartographic strategies that may be utilized for addressing these issues on
maps and geovisualizations. In particular, we focus our discussion on categories of uncertainty
inherent in predicting inundation from sea level rise. Although the research presented here
pertains to visualizing sea level rise, it may have relevance and applicability to hazards of
unknown likelihood or phenomena of a speculative or ambiguous nature.
Maps and geovisualizations derived from GIS analyses serve several purposes for visualizing
data related to hazards during the planning, mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery
stages (Greene 2002). Despite their potential, maps may be misleading and even controversial,
such as in cases when they under- or over-predict the geographic extent of a risk or hazard zone.
(Monmonier 1997). Effective representation of hazards and risks should consider several factors
due to the critical role of maps in hazard situations. Cartographic studies have explored
numerous issues related to hazard representation, including symbolization issues and
considerations for maps utilized to support activities in areas such as emergency response
(Dymon 2003) and humanitarian demining (Kostelnick et al. 2008). Citizen concern over
industrial wastes has led to research on symbolization of risks associated with toxins, and called
attention to the challenge of responsibly representing poorly understood relationships such as
thresholds at which exposure to different toxins becomes an actual hazard to health (Scott and
Cutler 1997). Representation of hazards must also consider that the scale requirements at which
map users wish to evaluate risk may be very different from those at which the data are provided
(Zerge 2002).
All geographic phenomena are subject to various types of uncertainty, either inherent in the
phenomenon itself or in the measurement of the data that represent the phenomenon (Couclelis
2003). Various categorizations of geographic uncertainty have been proposed to describe these
types of uncertainty further in different contexts. MacEachren et al. (2005), for example,
proposed a general typology of nine categories of uncertainty: accuracy/error, completeness,
consistency, credibility, currency, interrelatedness, lineage, precision, and subjectivity. Plewe
(2003) characterized uncertainty in historical GIS databases as composed of two primary
elements: ambiguity and fuzziness. Some types of uncertainty can be symbolized quantitatively
on maps and geovisualizations (e.g., Pang 2001; Slocum et al. 2003) while others are subject to
the speculative or counterfactual nature of the phenomenon being represented and therefore are
not easily represented by standard quantitative methods. Regardless of the type of uncertainty or
method of cartographic representation, it is critical that map users comprehend the uncertain
nature of the phenomenon. Level of expertise (such as domain and map use) may influence the
assessment of risk for hazards such as flooding when uncertain information is presented on maps
(Roth 2009).
Sea level rise is no different from many hazards or risks of a speculative nature: it is subject to
inherent uncertainties regarding the magnitude, location, and temporal occurrence of the event
when displayed on maps based on data inputs from GIS-based models. The primary challenge in
mapping sea level rise deals with conveying three primary types of uncertainty--spatial,
temporal, and process--to map users. Ultimately, the effectiveness of any map or
geovisualization depicting sea level rise depends on how these categories of uncertainty are
represented since they may not be apparent to naïve map users.
Spatial Uncertainty
Spatial uncertainty refers to the level of accuracy and precision of the predicted inundated areas
displayed on a map or geovisualization as influenced by the scale, accuracy, and precision of the
input data (e.g., elevation) utilized in the analysis. Gridded digital elevation models (DEMs) are
available at several levels of horizontal and vertical accuracy and precision for use in GIS-based
predictive models of sea level rise. Spatial uncertainty for predicting inundated areas is
influenced, in part, by two important variables: the horizontal or spatial resolution of the DEM
and the vertical accuracy and precision of the elevation values. For example, generalized DEMs
often utilized for global or continental-scale analyses of sea level rise (e.g., CEGIS 2009; Li et al.
2009; Rowley et al. 2007; Weiss and Overpeck 2003) include the Global Land One-Kilometer
Base Elevation (GLOBE) elevation dataset (Hastings and Dunbar 1998), which provides 30 arc-
second horizontal or spatial resolution, and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) with
3 arc-second spatial resolutions for much of the earth. DEMs may over or underestimate actual
elevation values; SRTM, for example, has been found to overestimate elevation consistently with
the error varying by land cover type (Shortridge 2006). For maps and geovisualizations at local
scales, higher spatial resolution datasets are more appropriate such as 30-m DEMs provided by
the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). A limitation of all of these datasets is that elevation units
typically are in whole meter integer values, which makes prediction of sub-meter levels of
inundation unfeasible. Predicted inundation areas derived from Light Detection and Ranging
(LiDAR) DEMs may portray sea level rise with the most confidence due to the finer spatial
resolution (typically < 5 meters) and more precise vertical accuracy (typically submeter) (Figure
In addition to uncertainty inherent to the horizontal and vertical resolutions, DEMs have other
idiosyncrasies that can lead to spatial uncertainty for prediction of inundated areas. For example,
missing cell values, striping, and other data artifacts may yield inaccurate results when integrated
into sea level rise inundation models. LiDAR returns from water surfaces can be unpredictable,
leading to flawed elevation data for coastal wetlands where accurate data are needed most
acutely. Along with errors related to horizontal and vertical accuracy and precision of the
elevation dataset, these errors lead to spatial uncertainty in the geographic extent of predicted
inundation areas.
Figure 1. Impacts of varying spatial and vertical resolutions of input DEMs on predicted
inundation zones (displayed in red) in Biddeford Pool, Maine using GLOBE, SRTM, and LiDAR
DEMs. Area is Biddeford Pool, Maine, United States.
Temporal Uncertainty
Inherently, sea level rise is a temporal event that may be viewed at many temporal scales.
Gradual levels of sea level rise may be anticipated for continents over the course of several
centuries, whereas more modest levels of sea level rise may be depicted for local areas over the
course of a day due to tidal cycles. Regardless of the temporal scale, the difficulties of
associating a specific time period to each increment of sea level rise poses challenges for
depicting change over time on maps or geovisualizations. The challenge to forecast accurately
“X Units” of sea level rise for “Time Period Y” guarantees a certain level of temporal
uncertainty displayed on maps and geovisualizations. Temporal uncertainty associated with sea
level rise is suggested by the IPCC (2007) report, which according to one scenario predicts a rise
of .21 - .48 meters of sea level by the year 2100. Temporal uncertainty is further complicated by
the fact that sea level rise fluctuates at varying rates of change and is not linear in manner, which
poses limitations for interpolation of sea level rise increments between time periods.
Process Uncertainty
At its most basic level, modeling sea level rise is a conceptually simple exercise of querying an
elevation dataset for all areas whose elevation is less than the selected amount of sea level rise.
This simplicity, however, can lead to facile research that fails to consider the geographic
complexity of the coastline or environmental variables that influence the process of sea level
rise, thus introducing uncertainty into the resulting predicted inundation areas. In reality, sea
level rise is a complex process that may vary considerably at the local level due to numerous
factors such as ocean circulation patterns, tidal regimes, thermal expansion of the ocean, and
geologic subsidence and uplift (Szabados 2008). Uncertainty resulting from the complex
physical processes of sea level rise may be reduced by utilizing models that incorporate
additional input factors such as tides and coastal geomorphology. Such models may consider the
characteristics of coastal bedrock and sediment, which will determine whether basins that are not
connected to the ocean by surface water will be inundated by means of groundwater passing
through porous sediments (Figure 2). More sophisticated models may also consider local tidal
variation, which may significantly impact the spatial extent of an inundated area since a change
at high tide is a more powerful indicator of potential destruction to coastal infrastructure than
inundation at mean sea level. Weather patterns are another variable that may be included in more
complex models, and the likelihood of sea level rise coinciding with high tides and storm surges
will create inland inundation that may be of short duration but destructive nevertheless. The
Coastal Vulnerability Index from the USGS (Hammer-Close and Theiler 1999) represents one
effort to codify the multiple elements of physical geography that contribute to the process of
inundation resulting from sea level rise.
Figure 2. The role of coastal sediment in the inundation process. Note that the basin on the left
in the upper figure is not inundated due to the impervious rock or sediment, yet the same basin
would be inundated in the lower figure if porous sediment is present instead.
The various types of uncertainty described previously provide numerous challenges to
cartographers who seek to depict inundation from sea level rise, yet some cartographic strategies
may be employed to minimize this uncertainty and communicate the uncertainty of such a
speculative event to map users.
Spatial Uncertainty
Cartographers have considered graphic strategies for representing spatial uncertainty in a variety
of other contexts (e.g., Rossum and Lavin 2000; Pang 2001). Given the various factors
influencing spatial and process uncertainty of predicted inundation areas, geographic
representations that clearly delineate areas of risk, yet suggest that the degree of risk is uncertain
rather than a sharp boundary, are most appropriate for sea level rise maps and geovisualizations.
Numerous cartographic methods may be employed to depict this spatial uncertainty, such as
jagged or fuzzy edges (Figure 3). Preliminary testing suggests that these methods can suggest
uncertainty about the likelihood of inundation to map users. Formal testing with a broader range
of users in the future will refine these techniques further.
Figure 3. Four possible approaches for representing spatial uncertainty of predicted inundation
zones in a coastal area: (a) transparency, (b) piano-key edge; (c) sawtooth edge, (d) edge
Another simple cartographic technique that may be utilized to minimize spatial uncertainty is to
introduce zoom display controls into interactive maps and geovisualizations that prevent users
from zooming in beyond the scale of the input data used to derive the predicted inundation
zones. A potential hazard of providing unlimited zoom capabilities for map users is the risk that
the fitness for use of the data may be violated, where lower precision inputs are utilized to draw
conclusions for data that require higher precision. For example, in an informal demonstration of
a geovisualization created from a global analysis of sea level rise in one-meter increments with
coarse input datasets, one observer attempted to use the zoom in map display controls to estimate
the extent of the inundation at a much larger scale, the backyard of a vacation home in a coastal
Temporal Uncertainty
Although temporal map animations typically display the time increment that corresponds to the
map display as the animation cycles, the challenges of associating a specific increment of sea
level rise with a precise time period requires an alternative approach. Rather, the amount of
predicted inundation from sea level rise (which increases with the passage of time) may serve as
a better focus for the animation or other temporal display such as small multiples. Figure 4, for
example, is a screenshot from a sea level rise animation that utilizes a strategy of displaying the
temporal progression of the predicted spatial extent of inundation from one to six meters. Such a
focus displays the passage of time indirectly to map users, yet avoids the perils of estimating a
precise time period for each predicted level of inundation.
Figure 4. Screenshot from a temporal sea level rise animation focused on increments of sea level
rise (in red) rather than specific time periods.
Process Uncertainty
The variables incorporated into GIS models to predict inundation from sea level rise greatly
impacts the resulting cartographic displays utilized for visualization purposes. Whenever
possible, sea level rise maps and geovisualizations should clearly convey to map users the input
variables utilized for predicting inundation. In addition, multiple scenarios, rather than a single
display, should be presented to map users to demonstrate the uncertainty associated with the
process of sea level rise. The predicted inundation displayed in Figure 5, for example, is a
screenshot from an animation that displays predicted sea level rise based on three factors:
elevation, coastal geormorphology, and tidal regimes. LIDAR data were utilized to derive
geographic areas below the specified elevation value (3 meters in this example). The model
assumes that coastal sediments are highly porous, which allows for inundation in low-lying areas
that are not connected to the ocean by surface water. While this assumption is appropriate for the
sands of southern Maine illustrated here, it would not be appropriate for the clay soils and
igneous bedrock of the coast of eastern Maine. To demonstrate the impact of tides on sea level
rise, average daily tidal regimes were incorporated into the model to derive three predicted
inundation zones (high tide, mean sea level, and low tide) for each increment of inundation. The
geovisualization illustrates the importance of tides and storm surges in inundation models, areas
in light blue that are landward of the predicted mean sea level extent (medium blue) are still
inundated at high tide. By simultaneously depicting the geographic extent of inundation at high
tide, mean sea level, and low tide, variation and uncertainty from the process of sea level rise are
conveyed to map users.
Figure 5. An animation frame displaying predicted inundation at 3 meters for high tide (pale
blue), mean sea level (medium blue) and low tide (dark blue). Area is Old Orchard Beach,
Maine, United States.
Additional Considerations
In addition to choosing methods for communicating these various types of uncertainty to map
users, cartographers should also strive to depict sea level rise in a “realistic,” yet responsible
manner. Realistic presentation includes the use of high resolution aerial or satellite imagery and
three-dimensional visualization software to represent the impact of sea level rise on the built and
natural environments in a less abstract manner. Such geovisualizations may communicate the
severe impacts of sea level rise on the natural and built environments in a powerful, evocative
manner. However, there is a potential danger that map users may misinterpret three-dimensional
geovisualizations as being overly “real.” As Figure 6 demonstrates, powerful rendering software
can produce images that look like photographs of actual inundation or flooding but which are, in
fact, simulations of purely hypothetical events.
Figure 6. Portion of a 3-D visualization of predicted sea level rise inundation created with
Visual Nature Studio (VNS)© for a portion of Puget Sound, Washington.
Mapping sea level rise presents a number of challenges that offer a fruitful area for cartographic
expertise, innovation, and creativity. Ultimately, maps and geovisualizations that depict sea level
rise should carefully consider the map audience and intended purpose in order to be most
effective. Given the speculative nature of sea level rise, several types of uncertainty are inherent
and cartographers should attempt to convey this uncertainty to map users. Responsible
communication includes providing documentation to map users about the potential limitations of
such displays to avoid potential misuse. Additional research, in the form of structured user-
centered studies, are necessary to further formulate “best practices” for mapping inundation from
sea level rise. Sea level rise represents a powerful issue where maps may be used in an evocative
manner, which elevates the issue of cartographic ethics to the utmost importance.
The authors wish to thank Nathaniel Haas, Kalonie Hulbutta, Joshua Meisel, David Braaten, and
Xingong Li for their contributions to the material presented in this paper. This work was
supported in part by the U.S. National Science Foundation under grants ANT-0424589, OPP-
0122520, and HRD-0407827.
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... There are many Internet web sites providing interactive maps in wide range (from decimeters to several meters) of inundation due to future sea level rise based on the IPCC reports (2012). Despite the abundance of maps and geovisualizations that depict sea level rise in both the popular press and scientific literature, fewer studies have documented the specific cartographic issues that warrant consideration for such maps and displays (Kostelnick et al, 2009). Various types of uncertainty, displaying the temporal progression of sea level rise, and relating the geographic extent of predicted inundated areas to their impact on the natural and built environments can be depicted on the maps. ...
... The primary challenge in mapping sea level rise deals with conveying three primary types of uncertainty -spatial, temporal, and process-to map users. The effectiveness of any map or geovisualization depicting sea level rise depends on how these categories of uncertainty are represented since they may not be apparent to naive map users (Kostelnick et al, 2009). ...
Conference Paper
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The Black Sea coast is susceptible to a variety of natural hazards, including sea level rise, land subsidence, landslides, storm surges, flooding, and coastal erosion and abrasion. In this paper, the recent progress in cartographic design of the coastal flood hazard and flood risk mapping is presented. The cartographical elements of different sets of small- and large-scale maps in respect to their spatial and temporal scale based on worldwide “good practice” are discussed. In order to meet the demands of the European Flood Risk Directive 2007/60/EC, the European Member States (MS) have to create flood hazard and flood risk maps. Bulgaria and Romania as EU MS have already started a three-stage process of the risk management according to the Flood Risk Directive. Currently, both countries are carrying out the second stage of the process and produce flood hazard and flood risk maps. The rest four Black Sea countries - Ukraine, Russia, Georgia and Turkey - prepared such maps using their own standards. Specific examples of coastal flood risk maps from the six coastal countries are represented and some comments about users’ needs are done. Additional information that may be included for improving cartographical design is outlined, and thus the accessibility and effectiveness of the flood hazard and flood risk maps could be increased.
... In this paper, we demonstrate the potential of the competitive analysis method for cartography through the case study of water level visualization, or map-based visualization tools depicting the exposure or flooding of land as a result of historical/current storm events or future climate change predictions (Kostelnick et al. 2009). The competitive analysis was completed during the formative stages of design and development of the U.S. National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Lake Level Viewer, a map-based visualization tool supporting adaptive coastal management of hazards related to future water level change across the Great Lakes (USA). ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
This paper reports on the competitive analysis of water level visualization tools that support adaptive management in response to global climate change. A competitive analysis study is a theory-based usability engineering method administered to critically compare a suite of related applications according to their relative merits, to the end of revealing best practices and unmet opportunities. The competitive analysis was conducted to inform design and development of the U.S. National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Lake Level Viewer, a map-based visualization tool supporting adaptive coastal management of hazards related to future water level change across the Great Lakes (USA). Twenty-five (n=25) water level visualization tools were compared across two broad themes in cartography: (1) representation, or the graphic encoding of information in the map display, and (2) interaction, or the means by which the user is able to manipulate the map display. The competitive analysis of water level visualization tools serves as a case study that can be extended to other mapping and visualization contexts.
... In this paper, we demonstrate the potential of the competitive analysis method for cartography through the case study of water level visualization, or map-based visualization tools depicting the exposure or flooding of land as a result of historical/current storm events or future climate change predictions (Kostelnick et al. 2009). The competitive analysis was completed during the formative stages of design and development of the U.S. National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Lake Level Viewer, a map-based visualization tool supporting adaptive coastal management of hazards related to future water level change across the Great Lakes (USA). ...
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This paper reports on the competitive analysis of water level visualization tools that support adaptive management in response to global climate change. A competitive analysis study is a theory-based usability engineering method administered to critically compare a suite of related applications according to their relative merits, to the end of revealing best practices and unmet opportunities. The competitive analysis was conducted to inform design and development of the U.S. National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Lake Level Viewer, a map-based visualization tool supporting adaptive coastal management of hazards related to future water level change across the Great Lakes (USA). Twenty-five (n=25) water level visualization tools were compared across two broad themes in cartography: (1) representation, or the graphic encoding of information in the map display, and (2) interaction, or the means by which the user is able to manipulate the map display. The competitive analysis of water level visualization tools serves as a case study that can be extended to other mapping and visualization contexts.
In this article, we examine best practices and future opportunities for the design of coastal web atlases (CWAs) supporting adaptive management. Coastal zones face significant challenges, and CWAs have emerged as a resource to organize maps and geospatial data in support of education, exploration, and decision-making about coastal issues. Our research is motivated by the Wisconsin Coastal Atlas (—one of several U.S. state-based CWAs that are members of the broader International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN: Specifically, we conducted a needs assessment that bridges adaptive coastal management user needs with three tenets of interactive cartographic design relevant to CWAs: map representation, interaction, and usability. The needs assessment included two stages: a competitive analysis of 10 state CWAs and a user survey with stakeholders from those states about their experiences with and opinions on CWA design. In addition to characterizing design patterns and values, the needs assessment identified important gaps informing future CWAs, such as: inclusion of a wider range of thematic maps; provision of hybrid basemaps providing context about the land and water sides of the coastline; implementation of spatial calculations and temporal sequencing for analysis and exploration; use of story maps to support CWA learnability; improved responsiveness between mobile and non-mobile devices; and customization of advanced analytical tools that support decision making about the most pressing issues facing our coasts. This research serves coastal managers, planners, researchers, educators, outreach specialists, and related stakeholders who benefit from findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) data and effective decision tools to guide management of coastal resources.
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The area of study lies at the northeastern part of Nile Delta. Global shoreline regression and sea-level rise have their own-bearing on the groundwater salinization due to seawater intrusion. A new adopted approach for vulnerability mapping using the hydrochemical investigations, geographic information system and a weighted multi-criteria decision support system (WMCDSS) was developed to determine the trend of groundwater contamination by seawater intrusion. Six thematic layers were digitally integrated and assigned different weights and rates. These have been created to comprise the most decisive criteria used for the delineation of groundwater degradation due to seawater intrusion. These criteria are represented by the total dissolved solids, well discharge, sodium adsorption ratio, hydrochemical parameter (Cl/HCO3), hydraulic conductivity and water types. The WMCDSS modeling was tried, where a groundwater vulnerability map with four classes ranging from very low to high vulnerability was gained. The map pinpointed the promising localities for groundwater protection, which are almost represented by the very low or low vulnerability areas (53.69 % of the total study area). The regions having high and moderate groundwater vulnerability occupy 46.31 % of total study area, which designate to a deteriorated territory of groundwater quality, and needs special treatment and cropping pattern before use. However, the moderate groundwater vulnerability class occupies an area of about 28.77 % of the total mapped area, which highlighted the need for certain management practices to prevent the saltwater intrusion from expanding further to the south. There was a good correlation of the constructed vulnerability map with the recently gathered water quality data and hydrochemical facies evolution. The plotting of water quality data on Piper trilinear diagram revealed the evolution of freshwater into the mixing and the saline zones as an impact of seawater intrusion, which validates the model results.
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Future sea level rise caused by climate change would disrupt the physical processes, economic activities, and social systems in coastal regions. Based on a hypothetical global sea level increase of one to six meters, we developed GIS methods to assess and visualize the global impacts of potential inundation using the best available global datasets. After susceptible areas were delineated, we estimated that the size of the areas is between 1.055 (one meter) to 2.193 million km2 (six meters). Population in the susceptible areas was estimated to range from 108 (one meter) to 431 million (six meters) people. Among the seven land-cover types in the susceptible areas, forest and grassland account for more than 60 percent for all the increments of sea level rise. A suite of interactive visuali-zation products was also developed to understand and communicate the ramifications of potential sea level rise.
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This research addresses the impact of expertise on the use of uncertain geographic information, using the case study domain of floodplain mapping. An online survey was developed to gain insight into the possible differences between experts and novices. Fifty-six participants completed the survey in which they were required to assess the risk at an identified location in the landscape relative to three floodplain delineations, each carrying a different degree of certainty, and then report their perceived difficulty in making the assessment and their confidence in the assessment. The responses were examined across three realms of expertise (education/training, work experience, and self-reported) and for two classes of expertise (domain and map-use). The analysis found that user confidence is affected by both domain and map-use expertise, but it is domain expertise that most impacts risk assessment itself and map-use expertise that most impacts the perceived difficulty of the risk assessment.
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Geographic information systems have great potential as a tool for studying and teaching historical geography. However, using traditional GIS data models, even spatio-temporal forms, has been difficult due to the prevalence of uncertainty—both ambiguity and fuzziness—in source information concerning space, time, and theme. Explicitly uncertain assertions of a geo-historical datum can be modeled as an Evidentiary Set, a hybrid of a fuzzy set with probability and Dempster-Shafer evidence theory. This set formalism is designed to represent continuous and discrete value ambiguity (e.g., "about 10"), and fuzzy membership (e.g., "somewhat Central European"), including ambiguous membership and other fuzzy-ambiguous combinations. The formal set structure can be stored in GIS by representing continuous variation with a patch model, producing logical models for object-oriented and relational GIS databases. The relational implementation was tested in two GIS databases focused on human historical geography, showing the potential for the model to represent datum-level uncertainty in a wide variety of GIS applications.
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A new standard set of cartographic symbols for landmine hazards and mine actions (e.g., clearances, hazard reductions, mine risk education (MRE), and technical surveys) in humanitarian demining activities is proposed, as well as a five-step approach that was utilised to develop the symbol set and that may be applied to the design of related map symbols in digital mapping environments. To promulgate the new symbol set, the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining and the American Geographical Society recently sponsored workshops in New York, NY, and Reston, VA. Workshop attendees, including key representatives from international organisations, private firms, and NGOs, indicated great enthusiasm for a future global standard.
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There is intense scientific and public interest in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projections of sea level for the twenty-first century and beyond. The Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) projections, obtained by applying standard methods to the results of the World Climate Research Programme Coupled Model Experiment, includes estimates of ocean thermal expansion, the melting of glaciers and ice caps (G&ICs), increased melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet, and increased precipitation over Greenland and Antarctica, partially offsetting other contributions. The AR4 recognized the potential for a rapid dynamic ice sheet response but robust methods for quantifying it were not available. Illustrative scenarios suggested additional sea level rise on the order of 10 to 20 cm or more, giving a wide range in the global averaged projections of about 20 to 80 cm by 2100. Currently, sea level is rising at a rate near the upper end of these projections. Since publication of the AR4 in 2007, biases in historical ocean temperature observations have been identified and significantly reduced, resulting in improved estimates of ocean thermal expansion. Models that include all climate forcings are in good agreement with these improved observations and indicate the importance of stratospheric aerosol loadings from volcanic eruptions. Estimates of the volumes of G&ICs and their contributions to sea level rise have improved. Results from recent (but possibly incomplete) efforts to develop improved ice sheet models should be available for the 2013 IPCC projections. Improved understanding of sea level rise is paving the way for using observations to constrain projections. Understanding of the regional variations in sea level change as a result of changes in ocean properties, windstress patterns, and heat and freshwater inputs into the ocean is improving. Recently, estimates of sea level changes resulting from changes in Earth's gravitational field and the solid Earth response to changes in surface loading have been included in regional projections. While potentially valuable, semi-empirical models have important limitations, and their projections should be treated with caution.
The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) has resulted in the construction of the first publicly available near-global high resolution digital elevation model (DEM). The utility of this DEM, as for any geospatial data set, is a function of its quality. This paper is concerned with the assessment of SRTM accuracy and its relationship to land cover. Two methods—one raster-based and one point-based—are compared to match "finished" three-arc-second SRTM data to high precision, high accuracy surveyed elevations, as well as a corresponding DEM from the USGS National Elevation Dataset (NED). Differences between the two methodologies were not found to be significant. Error for the study site is substantially less than the mission objective, but substantially more than that for the NED. Significant overestimation of actual elevations pervades the SRTM DEM, and the overestimation is significantly higher in forested areas. This systematic error has implications both for applications employing SRTM data and for research on elevation data error modeling.
We describe the development of software that is intended to enable decision makers (and their scientific advisors) to visualize uncertainties associated with the future global water balance. This is an important task because the future water balance is a function of numerous factors that are not precisely known, including the historical climatology, the model of potential evapotranspiration, the soil water holding capacity, and the global circulation models (GCMs) used to predict the effect of increased CO2 in the atmosphere. In developing the software, we utilized the principles of usability engineering. In our case, we utilized six steps: prototype development, evaluation by domain experts, software revision, evaluation by usability experts, software revision, and evaluation by decision makers. Although this approach led to an improved piece of software, decision makers should have been involved earlier in the software design process, possibly at step two (instead of the domain experts). Decision makers found the notion of uncertainty discomforting, but their positive comments regarding the software suggest that it could prove beneficial, especially with improvements in spatial and temporal resolution. One interesting characteristic of our approach was the utilization of a wall-size display measuring 25 x 6 feet. The wall-size display engendered great interest, but determining whether it is truly effective will require a study that directly compares it with more traditional approaches.
Political leaders continue to reaffirm citizens' right to know about possible health hazards from industrial facilities located in their neighborhood. Yet, due to the complexity of conventional risk characterizations, it is extremely difficult for the average citizen-activist to discern the relative risk posed by local hazard sources. This paper describes the development of a comparative measure of risk for industrial facilities in South Carolina. Using Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) data, the paper provides a methodology for conducting comparative risk assessments for individual facilities and communicating these risks to the general public. The risk visualization tool was developed using geographic information systems (GIS) and digital cartography. The prototype (South Carolina Toxic Risk Atlas) is a static web-based tool that is now in a testing and feedback stage (
The Global Land One-kilometer Base Elevation (GLOBE) digital elevation model is the most thoroughly designed, reviewed, and documented global digital elevation dataset to date. GLOBE was developed by an international group of specialists, cooperating with the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Working Group on Information Systems and Services (WGISS), International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme's Data and Information System (IGBP- DIS), and IGBP Working Group IV/6. GLOBE comprises a global 30 arc-second latitude-longitude array, with land areas populated with integer elevation data. GLOBE is available on the World Wide Web, and on CD-ROM in a format convenient for image processing and raster geographic information systems (GIS). Full GLOBE documentation is available on the CD-ROM and Website ( This paper summarizes some findings made during GLOBE's development. 1. OBJECTIVES AND DESIGN OF GLOBE
Geographic regions all have some degree of uncertainty, though this is seldom represented on their maps. Uncertainty of the Great Plains boundary is shown here by comparing 50 previously published maps of the region. These maps were found in a variety of sources, from classic 1930s geographic works to current regional studies on the Internet. By examining this diverse collection, a distinction can be seen between those maps using primarily physical criteria to define the region and those using cultural characteristics, or a combination of these two characteristics. This distinction is supported by trends in boundary shape, size, and even the map's date of publication. The Great Plains is shown as a complex region, subject to the interpretations of individual cartographers, and can be better understood by considering all points of view rather than any single boundary line.