
Building a Better ReadMe

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Surveys and focus groups show that most software buyers use ReadMe files. Users primarily look to ReadMe files for information on software bugs. They identify the following ways that software manufacturers can improve their ReadMe files: 1) keep them short, 2) include a table of contents, 3) use hypertext, and 4) eliminate the need for ReadMe files. Along with these four improvements, this article discusses other ways to create quality ReadMe files that meet concrete user needs.

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... For user documentation we provide 2 critical components: a README file that appears at the top level of the repository, and comprehensive command-line usage output via the --help argument [18,34,38] as discussed above. The README file includes a program description, dependencies, installation instructions, inputs and outputs, example usage, and licensing information [12,43]. To ease the burden of adding new implementations of Bionitio and to ensure consistency across current implementations, we build each README file from a template, such that common parts of the documentation are shared, and languagespecific details (such as installation instructions) can be instantiated as needed. ...
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Background Bioinformatics software tools are often created ad hoc, frequently by people without extensive training in software development. In particular, for beginners, the barrier to entry in bioinformatics software development is high, especially if they want to adopt good programming practices. Even experienced developers do not always follow best practices. This results in the proliferation of poorer-quality bioinformatics software, leading to limited scalability and inefficient use of resources; lack of reproducibility, usability, adaptability, and interoperability; and erroneous or inaccurate results. Findings We have developed Bionitio, a tool that automates the process of starting new bioinformatics software projects following recommended best practices. With a single command, the user can create a new well-structured project in 1 of 12 programming languages. The resulting software is functional, carrying out a prototypical bioinformatics task, and thus serves as both a working example and a template for building new tools. Key features include command-line argument parsing, error handling, progress logging, defined exit status values, a test suite, a version number, standardized building and packaging, user documentation, code documentation, a standard open source software license, software revision control, and containerization. Conclusions Bionitio serves as a learning aid for beginner-to-intermediate bioinformatics programmers and provides an excellent starting point for new projects. This helps developers adopt good programming practices from the beginning of a project and encourages high-quality tools to be developed more rapidly. This also benefits users because tools are more easily installed and consistent in their usage. Bionitio is released as open source software under the MIT License and is available at
... At a minimum, it needs to get a new user started and point them towards more help, if they need it. Numerous guidelines exist on how to write good READMEs[15,16]; their key common features are listed below. ...
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Software produced for research, published and otherwise, suffers from a number of common problems that make it difficult or impossible to run outside the original institution, or even off the primary developer's computer. We present ten simple rules to make such software robust enough to run anywhere, and inspire confidence in your reproducibility, and thereby delight your users and collaborators.
The world is becoming increasingly complex, both in terms of the rich sources of data we have access to and the statistical and computational methods we can use on data. These factors create an ever‐increasing risk for errors in code and the sensitivity of findings to data preparation and the execution of complex statistical and computing methods. The consequences of coding and data mistakes can be substantial. In this paper, we describe the key steps for implementing a code quality assurance (QA) process that researchers can follow to improve their coding practices throughout a project to assure the quality of the final data, code, analyses, and results. These steps include: (i) adherence to principles for code writing and style that follow best practices; (ii) clear written documentation that describes code, workflow, and key analytic decisions; (iii) careful version control; (iv) good data management; and (v) regular testing and review. Following these steps will greatly improve the ability of a study to assure results are accurate and reproducible. The responsibility for code QA falls not only on individual researchers but institutions, journals, and funding agencies as well.
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