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Ridley Scott on the future of Prometheus

As Ridley Scott announces that he has written the script for Prometheus 2, the 76-year-old talks about his new thriller 'The Counsellor’, and explains how he learnt his craft

The British film director Ridley Scott
The British film director Ridley Scott Credit: Photo: Rex Features

For some people, the meaning of life is the subject of much speculation and philosophising. But not for Ridley Scott.

“Apart from my health, my children and my relationship, the meaning of life is being able to work and do what I want to do,” says the filmmaker. “People say I’m a workaholic but I’m not. I just love working. I adore it.”

That is why, at the age of 76, Scott is as busy as he has ever been. He is currently in London filming the Biblical epic Exodus at Pinewood Studios while promoting his latest film, The Counsellor, putting the finishing touches to a television mini-series, The Vatican, and preparing sequels to Prometheus and the 1982 science-fiction classic Blade Runner.

There are various other projects he has in mind too, but before anything else he has to bang the drum for The Counsellor, a thriller based on the first original screenplay by Cormac McCarthy, whose novels All The Pretty Horses, The Road and No Country for Old Men have already been turned into films. (Some years ago, Scott tried to make a film of McCarthy’s Blood Meridian, but studios balked at the Boschian horror of the novel.)

The Counsellor stars Michael Fassbender, who played the enigmatic android David in the Alien prequel Prometheus, Scott’s last film. Here he takes the title role of a successful lawyer who becomes involved with a drug cartel in a deal which leads to betrayal and murder. “Cormac writes in wonderful pictures,” says Scott, who meets me for tea at the Dorchester on a break from Pinewood. “The script read like an exceptional short story or novella, with an inevitability that something awful is going to happen to the characters and there is nothing they can do to stop it,”

“The drug cartel is the fuel for the story, but it’s not about that. It’s more of a metaphor for temptation.”

The cast of The Counsellor includes Penélope Cruz and her husband Javier Bardem, as well as Cameron Diaz and Brad Pitt, the last of whom Scott discovered, giving him a star-making role in Thelma & Louise more than 20 years ago.

Brad Pitt and Michael Fassbender in Ridley Scott's 'The Counsellor'

Brad Pitt and Michael Fassbender in 'The Counsellor' (Rex Features)

Although the movie is set in Texas and Mexico, most of it was filmed in London and the Home Counties, with Scott using the multi-camera system he pioneered while filming live plays for the BBC. “In those days you would have six cameras all moving at once, so you are thinking in many layers. When I plan a film, I do the same thing,” he says. “Some people use one camera and the scene will take a day, but if I have four cameras it is so much more efficient. The actors love it because the cameras are moving all the time and I am not constantly saying 'cut’, 'next take,’ 'cut’. So each scene is like a small play.”

Born and raised in South Shields, Scott attended the Royal Academy of Art and branched out into film-making with the short Boy and Bicycle, which featured his younger brother, Tony. He joined the BBC as a set designer and began his directing career on Z Cars, before turning to commercial production and directing more than 2,000 advertisements. He and Tony spent 10 years making some of the best-known and best-loved TV adverts on British television, including a series of ads for Hovis bread, set to the music of Dvorák’s New World Symphony, which are still talked about today.

“English advertising was in its heyday and it was influencing everything,” he says. “We – Alan Parker, Adrian Lyne, then my brother Tony five years later – were doing huge commercials, and, honestly, I think they influenced the way films were cut and the way they looked. I’d done a couple of thousand of them by the time I did my first film and I thought, 'Wow, that was easy.’”

His first feature film, The Duellists (1977), was five years in the making and was something of a triumph of style over substance, but two years later he moved to the forefront of contemporary filmmakers with the stomach-churning space thriller Alien and then with his bleak vision of futuristic Los Angeles in Blade Runner.

His first hit of the Nineties, Thelma & Louise, earned him an Oscar nomination; then came Gladiator (2000), the first of the five movies made with his friend Russell Crowe. The film was a massive hit, making nearly £300 million worldwide, and credited with reviving the “sword and sandals” genre. It earned 12 Oscar nominations, including one for Scott for best director. He was nominated again for Black Hawk Down (2001) and was knighted in 2003.

Ridley Scott with Noomi Rapace on the set of 'Prometheus'

Ridley Scott and Noomi Rapace on the set of 'Prometheus'

The twice-divorced Scott and his long-time companion, the actress Giannina Facio – who has taken small roles in almost all of his movies since Gladiator – divide their time between homes in England, France and Los Angeles.

But Scott will soon be spending several weeks in Spain, where his technicians are building a massive, 200-acre set as a location for Exodus, which stars Christian Bale as Moses and is one of two Biblical epics due to be released next year – the other being Darren Aronofsky’s troubled production of Noah, in which Crowe plays the eponymous hero.

Scott, an avowed agnostic, makes the point that the events in Exodus take place more than 1,000 years before the advent of Christianity. “Think about it,” he says. “There’s no cross and no rule book except the rule book of the strong, or the military, or the militant, or the savage. It must have been pretty tough in those times.”

Rumours have been floating around that Scott, distraught by his brother Tony’s suicide last year and disappointed at the critics’ reception of Prometheus, was planning to retire after Exodus. But it’s clear that he’s planning nothing of the kind. He is set to produce, but probably not direct, a Prometheus sequel and then there is the long-awaited sequel to Blade Runner. “We have a screenplay but I can’t talk about it right now,” he says.

He has, he says, no regrets; he doesn’t look back. “I never dwell,” he says. “I have a shelf of productions and I occasionally look at them, but not often. I am already looking down the road.”


'The Counsellor’ (18) is released on November 15