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Carla Bruni became Aids ambassador because brother died from disease

France's first lady, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, said that her brother's death from Aids played a major part in her decision to become a world ambassador for the fight against the disease.

Carla Bruni-Sarkozy - said her brother's death from Aids prompted her to become ambassador for the disease
Carla Bruni-Sarkozy: 'very sensitive to the issue of Aids' Credit: Photo: GETTY

The wife of President Nicolas Sarkozy chose World Aids Day on Monday for the official launch of her new mission as the first ambassador to the Geneva-based Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

"Because of my brother, of course I am very sensitive to the issue of Aids," the supermodel-turned singer told Elle magazine, ahead of the launch.

"I can put all of the media coverage directed toward me to the service of a useful cause," she said.

Her brother Virginio, a photographer, died of an AIDS-related illness in 2006, after a long battle with the disease. The title of her third album Comme si de rien n'etait (As If Nothing Happened) is named after one of Virginio's photographs. He died at the age of 46.

The Bruni family set up a foundation in his name to promote Aids education, but the Italian-born first lady said her work with the fund would be "on a whole other level".

"I will make myself available to all those who are working on the ground with the global fund and who ask for my help. I will be working hand-in-hand with them," she said.

But the Italian-born 40-year old stressed that, with 33 million people infected worldwide with HIV, her brother's death was not the only one that had moved her to act.

"This is a pandemic. We tend to forget, we are used to it. But look at the figures. It's staggering." More than 25 million people have died of Aids since 1981 most of them in Sub-Saharan Africa, according to UN Aids.

Since her marriage to Mr Sarkozy in February, there has been much press speculation on what role she intends to play beyond accompanying her new husband on state visits and song writing. Mr Sarkozy's second wife, Cecilia, had no official humanitarian role but hit the headlines by personally negotiating the release of Bulgarian nurses held prisoner in Libya.

Bernadette Chirac, wife of former President Jacques Chirac, ran a yearly campaign to collect funds for hospitals.

Mr Sarkozy's third wife intimated that she would adopt a hands-on approach much like Princess Diana. "What I would like to do, working with the global fund, is to communicate directly with mothers and their children," she said.

"This is probably complicated... We have to find a way to talk to them and that is why it's important to be on the ground."

Mrs Bruni-Sarkozy said that preventing mother-to-child Aids transmission would be a priority.

She showed interest in helping fight HIV after a visit this year to South Africa and a meeting with Nelson Mandela, the former president whose foundation has been at the forefront of his country's Aids struggle.

The first lady said she also intended to tour France, from its deprived suburbs to remote rural areas, to fight illiteracy and inequality in education.