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At this year's 21th International World Wide Web Conference - WWW2012, W3C organizes two "camps" over two days, within the W3C track: on Web security and HTML5 games. Meet our team of experts, and come to discuss with them! All events will take place at the Lyon Convention Centre (see also the WWW2012 conference program at a glance).


W3C track Format

The camp session chairs and invited speakers give presentations in the first afternoon session.

Then, the participants identify 2 to 4 topics for discussion. Breakout sessions are small groups in which camp participants discuss about selected topics. At the end of the day, breakout sessions summaries and findings will be presented.

The W3C devcamps will be held in rooms "Tête d'Or 1" and "Bellecourt 1" of the convention center.



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Press Room

[Press conference]: on Wed. 18 April from 12h45 to 13h30 at the convention center (room "Pasteur")

[Press release] 27 March 2012: W3C Expands Presence at WWW 2012 to Increase Community Engagement

[Press contact]: Please write to w3t-pr@w3.org or contact Marie-Claire Forgue (+ who will be on site.

Wednesday 18 April - afternoon Camp 1: Web Security and Privacy - Room "Tête d'Or 1"

Chaired by Thomas Roessler, W3C Technology & Society Domain Lead

The Open Web Platform has transformed the nature of modern Web applications: The days of fundamentally server-based applications are past, and we are now facing a rich environment of truly distributed applications based on the Web platform.

These applications bring new challenges: Interactions between web applications become more complex, and change the landscape both of security threats and the nature of necessary technical solutions. At the same time, as ever more personal and business applications move to the cloud and to the Web, privacy concerns come further to the front. W3C has charted work on Web Application Security and Web Tracking protection, has proposed work on cryptographic APIs for JavaScript, and is considering work on Web Identity.

This W3C camp will help foster discussions about the Web application security (with an occasional foray into Web identity), and Web privacy from different perspectives. We invite you to contact the W3C Track chair to propose a specific topic of discussion and/or pertinent and controversial lightning talk that would help the discussions.

We also encourage interested participants to join the W3C Web Security Interest Group by joining the public mailing list public-web-security@w3.org (with public archive), or to join the W3C Privacy Interest Group.

Please send lightning talk and breakout session ideas to the public-web-security@w3.org or public-privacy@w3.org. In case of questions, please contact Thomas Roessler at tlr@w3.org

14:00-15:30 The changing Web security and privacy landscape

16:00-17:30 Web Security and privacy Breakouts

Thursday 19 April - afternoon Camp 2: HTML5 Games - Room "Bellecour 1"

Co-chaired by Philippe Le Hégaret, W3C Interaction Domain Lead and Boaz Sender, JavaScript Programmer at Bocoup, and W3C Games Community Group Chair

The main objective of the Games Community Group is to improve the quality of open Web standards that game developers rely on to create games. This is notably done by documenting how to best use open web standards for games and by evangelizing open Web standards to game developers and game development best practices to Web developers.

This W3C camp was set up to help foster discussions and interactions between gamers and Web developpers for the Web to become the premier playground!

We encourage you to join the W3C Games CG (simply follow the corresponding link on the right side of the group’s page) and introduce yourself and what you expect from the group on the public mailing-list public-games@w3.org (with public archives).

14:00-15:30 Intro to HTML5 Games

Check the etherpad for the HTML5 Games camp session with all the links to the demos.

16:00-17:30 HTML5 Games Breakouts

Note: the Imaginove Rhône-Alpes cluster members (animation studios, video-games companies, etc.) have been invited to participate in this session. Along newtorking discussions, there will be short presentations on how this important regional gaming indutry is embracing the world of games on the Web.