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w słowach kluczowych:  Nauki empiryczne
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The paper presents a case study from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on experiential learning approach to accessibility, inclusion and universal design in architectural education in line with the global communities’ efforts in raising awareness and fostering education on the needs of persons with disabilities. The study is particularly relevant due to the fact that the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and consequent safety measures amplified marginalization of people with disabilities. Bosnia and Herzegovina over the years failed to deliver on many basic principles signed in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Although scientific stance in literature review is divided on the subject of disability simulation activities as education method, this paper argues in favor of experiential learning, provided that the activities are carefully conceptualized over an adequate time period and involve different stakeholders, including persons with disabilities. The study was conducted through three different frameworks: theoretical, practical and creative design process in collaboration between a higher-education institution, a clinical center, and a civic non-profit organization of people with disabilities. The workshop outcomes surpass documenting student attitudes towards the topic and provide site mapping for accessibility improvement interventions, creative design solutions in improving the quality of public space and public outreach activities.
Innowacja techniczna jest zwykle poprzedzona nowością innowacją (teoretyczną). Nowość teoretyczna występuje wstępnie jako hipoteza badawcza. Na podstawie rozwoju modeli teoretycznych fizyki kosmicznej rekonstruuje się: a) proces diagnozowania anomalii i powstawania hipotezy badawczej oraz b) funkcje badawcze hipotezy.
A theoretical novelty (innovation) is usually a prelude to a technological innovation. A theoretical novelty starts with the assumption of a research hypothesis. An episode of recent space history serves to reconstruct: a) the diagnosis of anomaly and the arising of hypothesis, b) the research functions of hypothesis.
Wiara w absolutną ścisłość danych hydrologicznych i obliczonych na tej podstawie charakterystyk wiąże się ze sposobem ich prezentacji w postaci liczbowej. Nawykli do rygorów matematycznych obliczeń, użytkownicy informacji hydrologicznej niechętnie dopuszczają do siebie myśl o tym, że operują danymi przybliżonymi, których dokładność rośnie w miarę doskonalenia metod i przyrządów pomiarowych. Artykuł zawiera krótką prezentację wybranych pojęć dotyczących niepewności i błędu pomiarowego oraz metodologii nauk empirycznych.
Confidence in the absolute precision of hydrological data and in the calculated on that basis characterizations is bound together with the way of their presentation in the numerical form. Users of hydrological information accustomed to strictness of mathematical calculations unwillingly become conscious of that they use approximate data the accuracy of which is depending on the progress in improvement of methods and measuring instruments. The paper contains a brief presentation of selected conceptions concerning the uncertainty and measurement errors as well as the methology of empirical sciences.
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