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Congreso de la República (Congress of the Republic)

This page contains the full text of the PARLINE database entry on the selected parliamentary chamber, with the exception of Specialized bodies modules which, because of their excessive length, can be only viewed and printed separately.


Parliament name (generic / translated) Congreso de la República / Congress of the Republic
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Structure of parliament Unicameral
Affiliation to the IPU Yes
Affiliation date(s) 1927 - 1928
1956 - 1969
1983 -
President Daniel Enrique Salaverry Villa (M) 
Notes 26 July 2018 - 26 July 2019
Secretary General José Cevasco Piedra (M) 
Notes Appointed on 10 Aug. 2016.
Members (statutory / current number) 130 / 130

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Women (current number) 36 (27.69%)
Mode of designation directly elected 130
Term 5 years
Last renewal dates 10 April 2016
(View details)
Address Congreso de la República
Plaza Bolivar S/N - LIMA 1
(Export mailing lists)
Phone (51) 1 311 77 00 (President)
1 311 77 71 (President)
1 311 76 78 (Oficial Mayor)
1 311 74 00 (Oficial Mayor)
1 311 75 49 (Protocol)
Fax (51) 1 311 77 03 (President)
1 311 77 04 (President)
E-mail jcevascop@congreso.gob.pe


Parliament name (generic / translated) Congreso de la República / Congress of the Republic
Structure of parliament Unicameral
Electoral law 27 September 1997
Last amendment: 28 December 2000
Mode of designation directly elected 130
Constituencies 25 multi-member constituencies.
Voting system Proportional: Proportional representation system with closed party lists.
Vacancies arising between general elections are filled by the next-in-line candidates of the same party list.
Voting is compulsory until the age of 70.
Voter requirements - age: 18 years
- Peruvian citizenship
- full possession of civil and political rights
- disqualifications: judicial interdiction, persons under sentence which deprives them of their freedom, members of the armed and police forces on active duty.
Eligibility - qualified electors
- age: 25 years
- Peruvian by birth
Incompatibilities - other public functions (except Minister of State and authorized membership of extraordinary commissions of international character), certain judicial and financial offices
- certain posts in State-connected enterprises
Candidacy requirements - nomination by political parties or alliances of parties


Parliament name (generic / translated) Congreso de la República / Congress of the Republic
Structure of parliament Unicameral
Dates of election / renewal (from/to) 10 April 2016
Timing and scope of renewal For the first time since 1995, "Fujimorism" regained control of the Congress of the Republic, when the Popular Force led by Ms. Keiko Fujimori, daughter of former President Mr. Alberto Fujimori, won 73 of the 130 seats at stake in the election. Only two other parties won more than 10 seats: The Broad Front for Justice, Life and Liberty led by MP Verónika Mendoza and the Peruvians for Change led by former Prime Minister and economist, Mr. Pedro Pablo Kuczynski. During the election campaign, the major parties promised to improve the country's infrastructure and stabilize its economic environment. The debate focused on whether Peru should retain the current free-market model, and the State's role in the mining industry.

In the presidential elections held in parallel, no candidates secured the required majority to be elected in the first round of voting. In the run-off elections held on 5 June, Mr. Kuczynski narrowly defeated Ms. Fujimori. He succeeds President Ollanta Humala, who was constitutionally barred from seeking a second consecutive term.
Date of previous elections: 10 April 2011

Timing of election: Upon normal expiry

Expected date of next elections: April 2020

Number of seats at stake: 130 (full renewal)

Number of candidates: 2,242 (1,354 men, 888 women)

Percentage of women candidates: 39.6%

Number of parties contesting the election: 15

Number of parties winning seats: 6

Alternation of power: Yes*
*President: From Peru Wins alliance to Peruvians for Change
Congress: From Peru Wins alliance to Popular Force

Date of the first session of the new parliament: 26 July 2016

Name of the new Speaker: Ms. Luz Filomena Salgado Rubianes (Popular Force)
Voter turnout
Round no 110 April 2016
Number of registered electors
Blank or invalid ballot papers
Valid votes
17'791'516 (81.99%)

Distribution of votes
Round no 1
Political group Candidates Votes % of votes
Popular Force
Broad Front for Justice, Life and Liberty
Peruvians for Change
Alliance for Progress of Peru
People's Action
People's Alliance
Distribution of seats
Round no 1
Political Group Total of seats
Popular Force 73
Broad Front for Justice, Life and Liberty 20
Peruvians for Change 18
Alliance for Progress of Peru 9
People's Action 5
People's Alliance 5
Distribution of seats according to sex


Percent of women


Distribution of seats according to age
Distribution of seats according to profession
Note on the number of women:
On the initial list of candidates-elect, there were 34 women out of 130 members.
However, the number of women increased to 36 before the newly elected members were sworn in on 22 July when their mandate officially began.

Congress of the Republic (18.05.2016, 31.05.2016, 03.08.2016)
BBC Monitoring


Parliament name (generic / translated) Congreso de la República / Congress of the Republic
Structure of parliament Unicameral
Title President of the Congress of the Republic
Term - duration: 1 year (expiry date is 26 July)
- reasons for interruption of the term: resignation, removal due to penal or disciplinary sanctions, permanent disqualification, death, dissolution of Congress
Appointment - elected by all Members of Congress
- the election is held in July of every year
- after mandates have been validated and members have been sworn in when the Congress is elected

Eligibility - any Member of Congress may be a candidate, but formal notification of candidature must be made by a parliamentary group
- the deadline for notification of candidature is 24 hours before the election
Voting system - formal vote by secret ballot
- an absolute majority is required in the first round, as against a simple majority in the second round
- in case of a series of votes, new candidates are admitted and the results of the previous vote are not considered
Procedures / results - the outgoing President presides over the Congress during the voting
- two tellers appointed by the President supervise the voting
- the outgoing President announces the results without delay
- the results may be challenged even though this is not covered by the Standing Orders
Status - ranks second in the hierarchy of State
- may act as Head of State in the latter's absence
- represents the Congress with the authorities
- is an ex officio member of certain international organizations
- represents the Congress in international bodies
- may be ex officio Chairman of certain committees
- in the absence of the President, the First, Second or Third Vice-President can assume his/her role and functions
Board - the Directive Board is regulated by the Standing Orders
- consists of the President, the three Vice-Presidents and the spokesmen for the various parliamentary groups
- members serve one-year terms
- is only responsible for assisting and advising the President
Material facilities - allowance: US$ 2,849/mo
- official car
- secretariat and additional staff
- bodyguards
Organization of parliamentary business - convenes sessions
- organizes the debates and sets speaking time
- may refer texts to a committee for study, although this is usually done by one of the Vice-Presidents
Chairing of public sittings - can open, adjourn and close sittings
- ensures respect for provisions of the Constitution and Standing Orders
- makes announcements concerning the Congress
- takes disciplinary measures in the event of disturbance, and lifts such measures
- establishes the list of speakers, gives and withdraws permission to speak
- establishes the order in which amendments are taken up and selects which amendments are to be debated
- calls for a vote, decides how it is to be carried out, verifies the voting procedure and cancels a vote in the event of irregularities
- checks the quorum with the the assistance of the Senior Officer (Clerk)
- authenticates the texts adopted and the records of debates with the help of the Vice-Presidents
Special powers - presents the budget for Congress to the Directive Board
- proposes the Senior Officer General to the Directive Board
The Directive Board
- recruits, assigns and promotes staff
- organizes the services of Congress
- is responsible for relations with foreign Parliaments
- is responsible for safety, and in this capacity, can call the police in the event of disturbance in the Congress
Speaking and voting rights, other functions - takes the floor in legislative debates by leaving his/her seat
- provides guidelines for the interpretation or completion of the text under discussion in certain cases
- takes part in voting only in case of a tie
- proposes bills or amendments
- intervenes in the parliamentary oversight procedure as a parliamentarian
- transmits bills to the Head of State for promulgation; if within 15 days the latter fails to promulgate the text, the President of the Congress may proceed with the promulgation of the laws
- ensures the constitutionality of laws

This page was last updated on 30 July 2018
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