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Just read Slashdot and saw two great trolls. The first is explained here. Basically this slashdot story is based off of this comment which was ripped of from a previous slashdot story and posted anonymously to some forum. Okay that's not really a troll.

How about this utterly clueless post that claims Virtual memory is way overrated that is currently at +5 Informative. If you don't have an Operating System background you may not get why that post is so ridiculous so I'll explain below.




I just saw the Best Slashdot Troll Yet, and was highly amused. What was truly funny was seeing all these people from MIT debunking the claim that such a project exists only for some Slashbots (or trolls?) to argue that it's possible for a project of that magnitude to be kept secret from the CS department's OS department by a "phantom" professor. Entertainment galore.




XML has become a pervasive part of significant segments of software development in a relatively short time. From file formats to network protocols to programming langauges, the influence of XML has been felt. I have written an overview of XML schemas, XML querying languages, XML-Enabled databases and native XML databases. Below is a shortened version of the article.


